I like it quite a lot. It's a bit snatchy in the off-idle fueling as many new bikes are but it's not too distracting when you're out and about. It's incredibly comfortable bars- and pegs-wise, but I could use an extra inch or two on the seat before it kicks up for the passenger portion... it's a tall(ish) guy thing probably.
And now that the awful factory license plate hangar is off the swingarm, it looks as good to me as my old original Kats did.
Could be some deals out there on them as they're not selling well at all. My dealer-owner friend says that there are over 90 unsold 2020s in Canada, he still has the only one he ordered collecting dust in his showroom. Yeah, I bought mine from a different shop.... he knows and doesn't care.

I'm sure the tiny 12L fuel tank puts most people off but for me it's not an issue. I don't go far on it anyway, longer trips would be on my 'Busa and we all know how far those go on a full tank! As an only bike it might be a problem but what kind of weirdo only owns one bike??