I rode my "black Cadillacs" out for a 5 mile stroll...we have a country road which has a posted speed limit of 50kms/hr (30mph), people generally go down that road like they were shot out of a cannon..
This morning 4 tuner cars came down it at mach speed, you could hear them revving the complete crap out of their engines...
As I kept walking I encountered a person who lives on this road (there are quite a few houses as it is a built up area). He was videoing them and was just about to call the police....he said they go up and down this road several times a week in the same fashion-flat out and loud....
Just as he said that a VERY loud Harley came tearing by and came off the gas with a lot of crackling and popping....
He said, there's another annoying bike too....
All I could think about is I am sure glad I don't live on that road...