Who Rode Today?

Just back home after a 160km (100mile) round trip ride...

Went on a nice curvy 15km road and was enjoying the serenity of no cars anywhere except the one behind me...I stopped at a pull off spot before you get on the hiway and the car pulls in beside me....as I see the window go down I notice the police uniform right away...

The cop said hi and how was I today, I said fine...he said that's a nice bike, I've never actually seen a Hayabusa in person, mind if I take a look...so he got out of the car and looked all over Bumblebee....he said I'd ask to sit on it but I have all this crap on....he sure liked the 'ol gal though and said it sounded amazing.

He said he had a bike but it was sitting too much so he sold it and following me had him wishing he had another...I told him there is an '06 Hayabusa for sale at a local bike shop but he said the insurance would kill him...

He was amazed how well the bike was taking the corners and although I was going a little fast, he was enjoying following along in the ghost car....even though he said at any time I could have pulled away easily but was glad I didn't. I told him I sure didn't know it was a cop car following me.

So we chatted a little longer about how stupid people are and how the "woke" people are taking over...then departed company...he did tell me the rest of the way back to town was clear of cops as they were in other places....

I thanked him and rode gently back home not trusting there were no cops ahead awaiting a "big fish" to pull over as lots of cops would love to say they pulled over a Hayabusa (or any sport bike probably...).

Always nice to have a pleasant police encounter....
Then I stopped at a gas station to top up the bike and while there a young feller came in on his R6...I recognized the bike right away as one of my former colleagues' (helo pilot) old bike...

He had bought it new (it was an '08) and kept it mint...waxing it all the time...now it was missing a mirror and all scratched up, the rear rim was black from chain lube (has white rims)...

The young guy came over to say hi and to check out my bike...he said we should go for a "rip" I said I was on my way home but he said he'd like to see how his bike would stack up against mine in a run...

I said, not well I'm afraid...I'd just be a disappearing speck off in the distance as I watch your headlight fade from view...he laughed and said yeah, sure....

...ah, the innocent youth....
Just back home after a 160km (100mile) round trip ride...

Went on a nice curvy 15km road and was enjoying the serenity of no cars anywhere except the one behind me...I stopped at a pull off spot before you get on the hiway and the car pulls in beside me....as I see the window go down I notice the police uniform right away...

The cop said hi and how was I today, I said fine...he said that's a nice bike, I've never actually seen a Hayabusa in person, mind if I take a look...so he got out of the car and looked all over Bumblebee....he said I'd ask to sit on it but I have all this crap on....he sure liked the 'ol gal though and said it sounded amazing.

He said he had a bike but it was sitting too much so he sold it and following me had him wishing he had another...I told him there is an '06 Hayabusa for sale at a local bike shop but he said the insurance would kill him...

He was amazed how well the bike was taking the corners and although I was going a little fast, he was enjoying following along in the ghost car....even though he said at any time I could have pulled away easily but was glad I didn't. I told him I sure didn't know it was a cop car following me.

So we chatted a little longer about how stupid people are and how the "woke" people are taking over...then departed company...he did tell me the rest of the way back to town was clear of cops as they were in other places....

I thanked him and rode gently back home not trusting there were no cops ahead awaiting a "big fish" to pull over as lots of cops would love to say they pulled over a Hayabusa (or any sport bike probably...).

Always nice to have a pleasant police encounter....
I wish the cops here were as 'pleasant' as that one . . . never met one yet lol.
Just back from a short ride (around 120kms (70 miles), never went over 100kms/hr the entire ride as it is a nice day, blue skies and around 25'C out....

It was nice to just amble along and reflect at how great a bike the Hayabusa is...it can do a ride like I did today and then turn around at a blink of an eye and rip the pavement off the roads...

I was stopped at traffic light and a Harley guy (complete with leather vest and his wife's salad bowl for a helmet) rode up beside me and complimented the Bumblebee, he said he sure never notices Jap bikes but this one has a real street presence...
Out riding now, stopped by my fav pizza place to meet up with the wife, my son and daughter in law.

Went out for a fairly short ride, 60kms or so....

Was out on a little 2 lane side road and came across backed up traffic, I could see a SUV sitting in the middle of the road up ahead with it's 4 ways on.....I figured it was an accident...

As I got closer to the SUV, I could see it was some woman attending to a crow on the side of the road and left her SUV in the middle of the road...I could hear the guy in the Mustang convertible ahead of me yell at the woman...he said "kick the damn thing into the ditch and get your stupid vehicle out of the road!!"

She said "I'm saving one of God's creatures so Eff off Jerk" All I could do is laugh and sweat, it was hot...(100'f or so). Damn "woke" woman holding up traffic to attend to a trash hawk.....

I got past that chaos and saw a police car coming with it's lights on....I imagine he'll have a few choice words with the lady who is blocking the road for a crow....

Before I got home I saw the air ambulance fly over.....maybe it was going to rescue the crow....
Went out for a fairly short ride, 60kms or so....

Was out on a little 2 lane side road and came across backed up traffic, I could see a SUV sitting in the middle of the road up ahead with it's 4 ways on.....I figured it was an accident...

As I got closer to the SUV, I could see it was some woman attending to a crow on the side of the road and left her SUV in the middle of the road...I could hear the guy in the Mustang convertible ahead of me yell at the woman...he said "kick the damn thing into the ditch and get your stupid vehicle out of the road!!"

She said "I'm saving one of God's creatures so Eff off Jerk" All I could do is laugh and sweat, it was hot...(100'f or so). Damn "woke" woman holding up traffic to attend to a trash hawk.....

I got past that chaos and saw a police car coming with it's lights on....I imagine he'll have a few choice words with the lady who is blocking the road for a crow....

Before I got home I saw the air ambulance fly over.....maybe it was going to rescue the crow....

I saw a crow/raven @ the south edge of the Grand Canyon that was as big as an eagle. I’ll look for a pic. It was uuuuge!