You could put a whole can of seafood in the tank and as long as there's at least a gallon of gas in there you won't hurt anything. I've used extreme amounts in some engines and never an issue.I installed five ounces of Sea Foam in the tank anticipating an end to riding. (No not permanently, just for the winter.) I rode a mile to the gas station and filled it up. I have a problem with this procedure. I do not want to carry the can of preservative with me. I do not want the system ingesting a high concentration of it due to an empty tank, and I do not want to fill the tank and then pour the preservative back at home as it will not mix as well. I made my choice to put it in and quickly get to the gas station. Do any of you have these severe psychological problems? Things like this wreck my mind sometimes.
I thought it odd. I started the bike and opened the throttle just slightly to get out of the garage quickly and it stalled. I will chalk it up to a lean idle and that it has to warm up a bit at that temperature (I guess.) The first stall that was not my fault. Always scary!
It was 49°F when I left and 57° on my return, with a bit of wind. My cold fingers kept the ride on the shorter side.