That color is nice!

Haven’t you guys tried tankbags? They come in all sizes and even smaller ones are expandable. Ideal for day trips. Mine is magnetic and holds tight at any speed. I use it for extra gloves etc and as a cooler!

Some are strapped. The (only) time I’ve seen that rear setup is on long distance touring rigs. There’s usually a bedroll and maybe a large seatbag to go with it. Never by itself like I see on yours and Kiwis. I really like the look of the hump and the streamlining of the body work and use a tankbag for day rides or overnighters. For a 2-3 day trip I might remove the hump then and use a small tailbag over the rear seat (and) a tankbag. On tour I use a 22” seatbag and leave the hump at home.

I can also stow stuff inside the hump with easily removed twist fasteners I replaced the OEM screws with. Seems odd, not that you guys use them but that (most) of you use them there and (most) of us don‘t (if any). I’ve never seen a solo Busa rider with that rear setup that didn’t also have a couple more bags to go with it.