I went for a ride yesterday and had a close encounter of the 1st kind with a cop on a bike . . a Honda ST1100 full police issue with all the crap.
I'd just passed a group of slower riders and a guy on a GSXR went past me pretty darn quick, I was doing 170kmh, he must've been around 220kmh.
I immediately got on the hammer to hunt him down but luckily I glanced in my mirror and saw red and blue flashing lights behind me . . . uh-oh.
I backed off the throttle and pulled over a bit and the bike cop went past me at warp speed chasing down the Gixxer.
I was thinkin' "Good luck with catching the Gixxer Mr Po-po". I carried on a mile or so, came around a right hand blind corner and lo and behold there was the cop bike with the guy on the GSXR on the side of the road gesticulating like mad men.
I slowed right down and cruised past, and recognised the guy as a dude I know but haven't seen in a while.
I had his ph number in my phone so I called him last night to get the story . . .
He said he had no idea the cop was after him, wasn't checking his mirrors, and he backed off as he approached a line of cars ahead.
Next thing he knows he hears a siren right up his rear end and looks behind . . flashing lights.
He pulled over because the cop would have had his plate so no point running.
He said he was clocked at 179kmh by the cop's lazer gun, the cop was hiding parked up behind trees and lasered him as he had passed.
So yeah, the cop just came out of hiding and chased him down.
He lost his license on the spot for 28 days, then goes to court.
Most likely 6 months loss of license and $800 fine.
The cops here have the power to seize the vehicle, but the cop allowed this guy to ride home and the cop followed him home.
So that was my day yesterday, exciting having a cop pass ya at illegal speeds and not even have to stop.
Yeeeeehaaa, some one else got the hammer.
Lesson learned . . the cops hide now, and use laser guns to zap ya.
Note to self . . . must go buy a laser jammer