Why Are Some people such bastards.....

My other suggestion is for you to not get to, to involved in it. Be supportave to her, but this is a thing that is really between him and her. You have enough B/S going on in your life.
brendan is right, but that depends on where you see the relationship going. This issue will be a thorn in your side as long as the guy decides to be a $hit bag. Believe me I know. In my case, in th ebegining I actually supported the relationship if he was serious because I am also divorced and was only seeing my sons every other weekend. It sucked and I hated it. The $hitbag never did anything to build a relartionship. It is very frustrating for me because I don't understand what he gains by being so self centered. I guess this is over beer talk. You and Lycan and I should link up at his place on a Saturday and ride then drink and talk about this stuff. Brendan you are invited to Lycans house too...:beerchug::beerchug:
i wish surfer my busa wwas stolen back in september.


I got my 08 and the wifes 1000, come on down well drink, you can ride my 08 and me you and SS can talk this thing out bro...hell I'll even let you do the fairing screens and clutch cover like you said you was gonna do:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Shamelss plug I know, BUT YOU CAN STILL RIDE MY 08!!!
Yes brendans invited too, he's just LOOKIN for a reason to come visit:laugh::laugh:
I didnt read all the replies however I will express my opinion.

Do everything you can to support this guys right to see his daughter.

If you care about this girl, and about her daughter contact this guy and go have a beer together. let him know you are not there to cause problems and you want to try and help out where you can.

If the guy is a decent person he should respect that (I would) and you two as men can work together to allow him to see his daughter.

When my first wife and I split up she was a real beyotch about things.

She moved back to her moms which was about 4 hours a way. I used to make plans to pick her up for the weekend, I would call the day before, she would tell me everything was fine and then I would drive down there and no one would be home, couldnt get ahold of anyone.

One time I was there all I wanted to do was see my daughter for a few hours. I went to the house to visit with her, didnt ask to go inside, I just sat out on the front lawn talking with her. She was probably about 8 at the time. the bastid was drunk and passed out on the couch.

Well the SOB woke up and was pissed that I was there visiting my daughter, he comes out and gets in my face. He started yelling at me and stuff. it got to the point where the guys was just being an a$$ so I walked away and started playing with my daughter again.

The fricken a$$ goes in the house and the next thing I know I hear him chambering up a shotgun.

man that pissed me off. I had my guns on me but I had left them in the car because I wasnt going to have them around my daughter.

So I told my ex-wife that if that was a gun he was playing with he needed to put it away before he got hurt. My ex-wife knew how I was and she knew it was about to turn into a real bad situation.

I was mainly pissed that he would pull a gun out with my ex-wife and daughter there.

Anyway, she talked to him and told him it probably was not a smart thing him pulling a gun out on me. so he put it away.

I decided that at that point I probably needed to leave because I felt my being there was putting my daughter and ex-wife in a dangerous position.

So I said my goodbuys and got in the car and started to drive away, then I look in my rearview and saw this 4x4 come flying up the road and into the guys driveway and these 4 guys jump out and they all are standing on in the front yard all looking tough at me while I am driveing away.

Man that f'in pissed me off, so I threw it in reverse and drove back. while I am driving back every one of the punks except for one decided to go in the house.

As I pulled up one of the guys was standing there looking hard at me, so I got out and walked up to him and I just calmly told him that I respected the fact that he was there helping his friend and he responded when his friend called for help, but I told him his friend was wrong, he was stopping me from seeing my daughter and I said if he was going to side with his friend he was making a mistake and I wasnt going to let anyone get between me and my daughter, it was a family thing.

After I explained the situation to him he said cool and he understood and he went in the house.

My point to to all this is my ex-wife and her boy friend who became her husband who then became her ex-husband and became a deadbeat dad made things so miserable on me trying to see my daughter I finally just backed off and gave up. It was tearing my daughter apart, it was tearing me apart and I felt it was doing more harm than good, and they were being complete a$$ wipes about it.

My daughter who is now 25 is a good person, but she learned later in life how her mother was (not from me, I do my best to not say anything negative about her) so now she has some resentfullnes towards her mother. Her and I dont have the relationship I wish we had.

So many dads these days either dont want to be involved with their kids after a divorce, or if they do the ex-'s make it fricken miserable on them. and in the end, it is the child who suffers.

As a dad who has been there I give the father props for being concerned, for wanting to be part of his daughters life.

And in my opinion you should do everything you can to help the guy have a relationship with his daughter. I honestly feel in the end it will make him feel more at ease, your girl friend willl probably have respect for you, adn the daughter will apprecieate it, if not now she will later in life. and if you put the guys mind at ease and he see's you as a man going out of your way to ensure he has his visitations, he might be less likely to want to stop her from living out of state and it will probably make everything better for everyone in the end

Remember, put yourself in this guys shoes and think how you would feel in the same situation.

To conclude, this is all based on if the guy is a decent go or not.

If the guys is an a$$wipe then you just need to act accordingly
So many dads these days either dont want to be involved with their kids after a divorce, or if they do the ex-'s make it fricken miserable on them. and in the end, it is the child who suffers.

As a dad who has been there I give the father props for being concerned, for wanting to be part of his daughters life.

And in my opinion you should do everything you can to help the guy have a relationship with his daughter. I honestly feel in the end it will make him feel more at ease, your girl friend willl probably have respect for you, adn the daughter will apprecieate it, if not now she will later in life. and if you put the guys mind at ease and he see's you as a man going out of your way to ensure he has his visitations, he might be less likely to want to stop her from living out of state and it will probably make everything better for everyone in the end

Remember, put yourself in this guys shoes and think how you would feel in the same situation.

To conclude, this is all based on if the guy is a decent go or not.

If the guys is an a$$wipe then you just need to act accordingly[/QUOTE

With all due respect Thrash, seems like the guy is a douche. Anyone who WANTS to be involved in their kids life will make it astrong point to do so, i dont think it behooves a new person getting into the relationship to do everything THEY can to make this happen, on that small note I disagree.

Anybody (sane people) in their right mind, would not stand in the way of a child and their parent, but like SS said, and like I have experienced myself, if the person does not actively do everything in THEIR power to develop, keep and maintain that relationship then frankly they deserve the same consideration theyre giving the baby, which is none, in which case see my 1st statement. I wouldnt say I disagree with you entirely cause I don't, I just think the person has to own that responsibility...but I did like your disclaimer at the bottom:laugh::laugh:
lol god only knows lycan lol. hmm yah ill do the stuff for you we can set a weekend thing up in the near future. Not a problem at all my friend..
Ron, with all due respect. You should write books! :beerchug: :laugh:
Boyz, Virginia would never be the same with all 4 of us hooked up! :rofl: Angel, you are just looking for a reason to rape my white azz! :whistle:Save it for the real homo's...
Ron, with all due respect. You should write books! :beerchug: :laugh:
Boyz, Virginia would never be the same with all 4 of us hooked up! :rofl: Angel, you are just looking for a reason to rape my white azz! :whistle:Save it for the real homo's...

MD ding dong MD!!!!, Ss would have to come up here to get some brewski's hes dyin to get out of the house anyways:laugh::laugh::laugh: I think he's on work release
lol.. Well set something up real soon lycan i still haev to do that stuff for you.
lol.. Well set something up real soon lycan i still haev to do that stuff for you.

Ok guys how about the 4th?

If not then hows this?

My friend is going back on a Coast Guard boat and were having a going away party for him Saturday the 11th, of course thats like Easter weekend...so it probably wouldnt work for most..and then the bash is 2 weeks after that...

So the 4th is open, maybe we can get togehter then if you guys have time?

Just sayin':whistle:
hmm deffintly sounds intresting.. Lol. Me and brendan rode together last summer when i rode upto peabody Ma . Then my boy dan wrecked 2 times that weekend wasnt a good couple days for him lol.
4th is actually open for me. Of Course I have to get permission from my higher.
I didnt read all the replies however I will express my opinion.

Do everything you can to support this guys right to see his daughter.

If you care about this girl, and about her daughter contact this guy and go have a beer together. let him know you are not there to cause problems and you want to try and help out where you can.

If the guy is a decent person he should respect that (I would) and you two as men can work together to allow him to see his daughter.

When my first wife and I split up she was a real beyotch about things.

She moved back to her moms which was about 4 hours a way. I used to make plans to pick her up for the weekend, I would call the day before, she would tell me everything was fine and then I would drive down there and no one would be home, couldnt get ahold of anyone.

One time I was there all I wanted to do was see my daughter for a few hours. I went to the house to visit with her, didnt ask to go inside, I just sat out on the front lawn talking with her. She was probably about 8 at the time. the bastid was drunk and passed out on the couch.

Well the SOB woke up and was pissed that I was there visiting my daughter, he comes out and gets in my face. He started yelling at me and stuff. it got to the point where the guys was just being an a$$ so I walked away and started playing with my daughter again.

The fricken a$$ goes in the house and the next thing I know I hear him chambering up a shotgun.

man that pissed me off. I had my guns on me but I had left them in the car because I wasnt going to have them around my daughter.

So I told my ex-wife that if that was a gun he was playing with he needed to put it away before he got hurt. My ex-wife knew how I was and she knew it was about to turn into a real bad situation.

I was mainly pissed that he would pull a gun out with my ex-wife and daughter there.

Anyway, she talked to him and told him it probably was not a smart thing him pulling a gun out on me. so he put it away.

I decided that at that point I probably needed to leave because I felt my being there was putting my daughter and ex-wife in a dangerous position.

So I said my goodbuys and got in the car and started to drive away, then I look in my rearview and saw this 4x4 come flying up the road and into the guys driveway and these 4 guys jump out and they all are standing on in the front yard all looking tough at me while I am driveing away.

Man that f'in pissed me off, so I threw it in reverse and drove back. while I am driving back every one of the punks except for one decided to go in the house.

As I pulled up one of the guys was standing there looking hard at me, so I got out and walked up to him and I just calmly told him that I respected the fact that he was there helping his friend and he responded when his friend called for help, but I told him his friend was wrong, he was stopping me from seeing my daughter and I said if he was going to side with his friend he was making a mistake and I wasnt going to let anyone get between me and my daughter, it was a family thing.

After I explained the situation to him he said cool and he understood and he went in the house.

My point to to all this is my ex-wife and her boy friend who became her husband who then became her ex-husband and became a deadbeat dad made things so miserable on me trying to see my daughter I finally just backed off and gave up. It was tearing my daughter apart, it was tearing me apart and I felt it was doing more harm than good, and they were being complete a$$ wipes about it.

My daughter who is now 25 is a good person, but she learned later in life how her mother was (not from me, I do my best to not say anything negative about her) so now she has some resentfullnes towards her mother. Her and I dont have the relationship I wish we had.

So many dads these days either dont want to be involved with their kids after a divorce, or if they do the ex-'s make it fricken miserable on them. and in the end, it is the child who suffers.

As a dad who has been there I give the father props for being concerned, for wanting to be part of his daughters life.

And in my opinion you should do everything you can to help the guy have a relationship with his daughter. I honestly feel in the end it will make him feel more at ease, your girl friend willl probably have respect for you, adn the daughter will apprecieate it, if not now she will later in life. and if you put the guys mind at ease and he see's you as a man going out of your way to ensure he has his visitations, he might be less likely to want to stop her from living out of state and it will probably make everything better for everyone in the end

Remember, put yourself in this guys shoes and think how you would feel in the same situation.

To conclude, this is all based on if the guy is a decent go or not.

If the guys is an a$$wipe then you just need to act accordingly

I would agree if the dad wasn't a drug addict. She should really let childrens services know, he would lose all visitation rights. Just my opinion
In regards to what I said earlier. She needs to file for support and start the arrears process. Maybe he will reconsider his issue.

+1 if this guy is a clown with more to lose in court than gain, he'll STFU when that notice to appear hits his doorstep about more Child support