1. Power.
The ability to move your body through space the way we do creates a feeling of pure power. like piloting an F-18, the power is intoxicating.

2. Its bad.
Motorcycles are still a little socially unacceptable & we like it that way. It's fun being a little deviant.

3. Escape.
The faster you go the less your problems matter. Speed requires focus, and when you are focusing you can't think about all the petty crap that can eat at you when you are sitting around vegitating.

4. Economical.
To get this kind of rush from a car costs about $100,000, from a plane $25,000,000.
For a mere $10,500 you can get it from a brand new Hayabusa that is sitting in your garage, ready when you are, ready to turn an every day commute into something a little more stimulating.

I think that about covers it for me.
Dirty Pete,what a coincidence I was working on a user's network problem when the talk of flying came up and I told the user that flying is like riding a motorcycle at high speed.The user was a flight instructor on the side but his main function is software development of space flight.Anyways we talked about stupid things when we were kids and he did the same things like I did like jumping of the roof top with a sheet to see if I could fly,riding a bike over a cliff to see if I would make it,skateboarding down a steep hill to be the first in the neighborhood to make that hill and the sound of the Harley motorcycle and the look of the people that rode these bikes back in the 50's and 60's.My paper route as a kid also had alot to do with becoming a motorcycle nut I had a 325 custormer route on this steep hill in Hawaii and I use to finish the route at the top of the Hill and ride down that Hill you could hit about 45-and almost 50mph or at least that is what it felt like coming down that hill and I would seat back and go in and out of the white lines and one time rode on some one's yard to take a jump from the yard back onto the road at full speed.Anyways don't want to bore the rest of the group but here I am riding and living.The need for speed!!!!The one thing that the user and I had in common was the need to be in control of your machine,airplane or motorcycle and all the safety checks that you go thru to make sure that you will live to talk about your ride.
...because it is fun to ride, 'Pete...all that other stuff is plum crazy! Whats wrong with you people! Are you all trying to prove somthing to yourselves? Well, I think you should all just settle down and enjoy your aproaching golden years like dignified, mature, individuals and stop all this unseemly boasting before one of you hurts yourself again...
I like the wind in my face,also I really get a big kick riding on the interstate passing a cage, matching thier speed and looking over to the passenger,(female of course) and looking into her eyes at the antisipation of wondering what it would be like to have her legs wrapped around my waist at 100 mph.Try this you would be surprised what you can say with facial expressions..Better stop there, or I will get edited..lol :)
Hey Kevtec, you said "her legs wrapped around my waist at 100mph"??

Exactly how is the passenger seat configured on your bike?? :)
I think we should offer a prize to the first rider that gets some at 100mph. Of course a video of the lady smiling at 100 is required.
It gets me clear of the stuff that jams me up. I can have the worst day or week with business or the family or whatever and a blast down a twisty road or a weely getting on to the parkway and all the stuff in my head disappears. Its like being in my secret world. I get on the bike, head toward a corner at three times the speed limit, tap the front brake momentarily, flick the bike over and accelerate smooth and hard out of that corner and I feel like a fighter pilot or a bird or an Olympic athlete or something else, I don’t know what but it feels great and I’m not me just for that moment. Its like a daydream I mite have had as a kid come true. Its childish, foolish, immature and I love it. Riding gets my Ya Ya’ s out. So when I get home I am clear and I can focus on other things outside of myself like my kids or my wife or my business. Riding helps me keep a balance so I can remain sane.
Back to the topic.

I think the heat and vibration between our legs has a lot to do with why.
its faster than my super gas drag car and i can use it more in two hours then i use the car all year. it get 33 mpg as opposed to approx. 3 in the car using 7.00 per gal. fuel. it certainly doesnt grab the attn of cops like driving a blown big block tube chassis vega on slicks with open headers.
the edge of death thrill of the awsome acceleration just knowin that unless another modded busa rolls up im gonna be faster than the other guy and the attraction of peoples attention(especially the females),that doesnt hurt any either.
my busa is my favorite thing in the world and i wouldnt give it up for anything but maybe another busa.but it would have to be a pretty special bike !!!!!
on my busa i am the KING !!!!!!