Why is everyone so shy all the sudden?

It's all my fault. I've been lurking too aggressively lately.

I've heard about you aggressive lurkers...
I have only been reading posts... not to many comments beyond the couple of questions I have had...

Don't own a bike ... looking at them atm.  I read to learn ... I just hope everyone continues on talking so I can take in everyone's great wisdom.

The board has so far has encouraged me in wanting a bike ... but in the same respect reading about the accidents and deaths has made me respect the sport/activity.... as bad as it is, I do read them and try to understand what happened.

I have booked marked a lot of items.  Sliders/brakelight/headlight mod/kickstand mod/gages/seats and a bunch more stuff of things that would be nice to have or do... or things that would be a requirement like the headlight and maybe the brake light.

Anyway, I think I pick up something new everytime I come to the board and try not to create a lot of noise since I know I am learning and have a ways to go.  I am going to be taking MFC classes in late August so I am kind of waiting for the classes before I decide on what I am doing... but I am really leaning towards the Hayabusa ...

Reason for Edit: "used a double negative..."|1121498426 -->
Just glad to have you around Dave...

Take your time and filter all the info that's here (not necessary in this useless thread)...ask questions...

Good to take the class first, then decide if you even really like riding. A lot of people find out that they don't even "have it in them" to ride, or don't really enjoy it...others know instantly that this is the "sport" for them...

Good luck...don't be a stranger!
Uhhh, I won't reply unless I'm whoring or just am truly intrigued by the same old questions like "What's a TRE?", "What's a good exhaust?", "What's a good tire?",... and the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on...