Why is it?

Why is it this guy thinks he can set his own dress code for such an event? This isn't the 1800's, if these native Americans/Canadians want to be treated as equals, they need to start acting like equals.

The sad part of all this is the dress code will be changed to accommodate this guy and then the flood gates will be wide open....until there is no dress code and people will show up in their gardening attire.

Why is it people buy land of which has a farm for a neighbor then complain about the smell of manure??

Did these people not see the large farm fields when they decided to buy their property? I just read an article on these people complaining to the county saying how horrible the smell is and the noise from the farm equipment is causing them distress...this farmer operated some of this machinery at night and did long before these houses were built, now he has to abide by the noise codes which is causing him a lot of grief.

All around our largest city (Toronto) there is a thing called "the green belt" where there is no development allowed as it is for farming...now there is talk of eliminating the restriction on the green belt allowing development...some of these farms have been in families for generations upon generations and the financial figures being thrown at them will eventually tempt them to the point of selling. Some of this farm land is the most fertile in our country....I remember as a kid going to Toronto and it was a 3 hr drive and all we saw were farms the whole way......now most of the drive one sees subdivisions..

Then we roll out to BC where the lumber industry is foaming at the mouth to go clear cut all the old growth forests...trees that have been around for hundreds of years and the planet will never see their like again...indigenous peoples with help from non-indigenous are desperately trying to stop this clear cutting but in the end will fail because the all mighty buck is stronger than ethics and morality..
Hi. We have cranberries bogs so we use pesticides. The new neighbors took to court to make us stop. Well we did not higher a lawyer we defended ourselves. We ask what the people who took care of there lawn used? They said they did not know. So we had them come to court to teatify. They got into big trouble because what they were using was now illegal and they were using 10 times more than when it was legal. We won and what we were using was legal and we were using the correct amount.
Why is it people are still running around Covid-frightened?

I went to the grocery store this morning and people are still acting panicked wearing masks and carrying around hand sanitizer like it was day one of the pandemic...

One fellow in his late '50s or early '60s got all huffy when he saw nobody was wiping their shopping cart handles when returning them.

I took mine back and he made a comment that 'people' should be considerate of others and wipe their cart handles...I ignored him and walked out...the feeling of taking him and stuffing him into his cart was very much on my mind though.....

I still see people walking on the sidewalk (by themselves) with a mask on or I see them in their car (by themselves) with a mask on.....Covid was real, and I know the government had to react initially like they did but once it was established it wasn't a terminal virus and the restrictions were eased, that should have been that....
Why is it people are still running around Covid-frightened?

I went to the grocery store this morning and people are still acting panicked wearing masks and carrying around hand sanitizer like it was day one of the pandemic...

One fellow in his late '50s or early '60s got all huffy when he saw nobody was wiping their shopping cart handles when returning them.

I took mine back and he made a comment that 'people' should be considerate of others and wipe their cart handles...I ignored him and walked out...the feeling of taking him and stuffing him into his cart was very much on my mind though.....

I still see people walking on the sidewalk (by themselves) with a mask on or I see them in their car (by themselves) with a mask on.....Covid was real, and I know the government had to react initially like they did but once it was established it wasn't a terminal virus and the restrictions were eased, that should have been that....

Ha! For real!
I went in the local Food Lion on Tuesday...and half the people in the store had masks on...and I've a half dozen people with masks under their noses driving!
I couldn't belive it(actually I can), as I've only seen a few people with masks on anywhere in the last month or so.
I hadn't heard of any new covid scares lately, not that I listen to any of it on the news either, lol
Why is it I am seeing more and more e-bicycles running around with really overweight people riding them...half the time they are not even pedaling and just using the battery...they must think they are getting something out of it..

Hahaha! lmao!
Oh that one made my day!
Hahaha! lmao!
Oh that one made my day!
As I read your reply, I looked out the window and a very large lady went by on an ebike (not pedaling) but wearing all the gear (knee/elbow pads, helmet, riding goggles....and gulp....spandex....).

Years ago I came across a soldier with an ebike and I asked him about it and he said "just saving the environment sir" I told him if he really wanted to save the environment to ditch the battery bike and get a real pedal bike that only takes sweat and fortitude to go places...
As I read your reply, I looked out the window and a very large lady went by on an ebike (not pedaling) but wearing all the gear (knee/elbow pads, helmet, riding goggles....and gulp....spandex....).

Years ago I came across a soldier with an ebike and I asked him about it and he said "just saving the environment sir" I told him if he really wanted to save the environment to ditch the battery bike and get a real pedal bike that only takes sweat and fortitude to go places...

It just keeps getting better
I had the misfortune of having to go to Walmart on a wife induced errand....

I had almost forgotten how much it sucks to go there...

I took the bike and almost got run over just finding a parking spot..(a bright yellow bike SHOULD stand out).

Then I had to navigate around all the cattle with their shopping carts full of crap while they were busy texting on their cell phones and not paying any attention whatsoever of anything or anybody around them.

I completed my errand and on my way out of the madness, I was following along behind a rather portly lady moving at or below the pace of a snail texting on her phone....she even stopped once to gather her thoughts in responding to the text...I would have passed her but she took up the entire egress aisle.

I finally got out of there and back to my bike to find it was flanked on either side by a couple of large, lifted redneck pickup trucks...trying to see around them and get out of the parking lot proved to be a challenge but I did it and what a relief.

I had more fun in combat....
Crap...I had to do part 2 of my errand to Walmart....specifically the Optometrist office for the wife's glasses...

I didn't realize you had to wear a mask when going in that section and was less than amused I had to wear one...when the lady came over to squirt me with hand sanitizer I told her I draw the line at that-off she went..

Walmart certainly is a sea of people all rushing about getting their crap and flittering around like small birds after a bug....I despise that place with a vengeance
Crap...I had to do part 2 of my errand to Walmart....specifically the Optometrist office for the wife's glasses...

I didn't realize you had to wear a mask when going in that section and was less than amused I had to wear one...when the lady came over to squirt me with hand sanitizer I told her I draw the line at that-off she went..

Walmart certainly is a sea of people all rushing about getting their crap and flittering around like small birds after a bug....I despise that place with a vengeance

Nah, you just need some more action there to liven things up.
I have a feeling you'll get sent back, be patient, lmao!
Nah, you just need some more action there to liven things up.
I have a feeling you'll get sent back, be patient, lmao!
I completed the errand, so with any luck it will be another long time before I get subjected to all the Walmartians.....

I did see a guy getting out of a Prius with veteran plates who was wearing a man bun and one of those scraggly little beards we used to see in the '60s.....I almost burst out laughing when I walked by on the way to my truck...
I completed the errand, so with any luck it will be another long time before I get subjected to all the Walmartians.....

I did see a guy getting out of a Prius with veteran plates who was wearing a man bun and one of those scraggly little beards we used to see in the '60s.....I almost burst out laughing when I walked by on the way to my truck...

At least you didn't get scolded for destroying the environment this time...
While out on a walk this morning I walked past an older Toyota Tacoma a few doors down from my house which was lifted and had really wide tires which stuck out about 8 inches from the body from an off-set...it also had these huge angle exhaust tips (around 6 inch tips).

I'll bet it barely has enough power to turn these tires and it must sound awful as a 6 cyl with an open exhaust often does.
While out on a walk this morning I walked past an older Toyota Tacoma a few doors down from my house which was lifted and had really wide tires which stuck out about 8 inches from the body from an off-set...it also had these huge angle exhaust tips (around 6 inch tips).

I'll bet it barely has enough power to turn these tires and it must sound awful as a 6 cyl with an open exhaust often does.

I know that guy!
And several of his friends!
Why is it that manufacturers of high end vehicles don't safe guard them better?

The other night thieves stole a new Ram TRX off the lot...the fobs were inside the dealership...and yet the vehicle was driven away.

The hackers are going to have a hay-day with all the new vehicles out there...
Why is it that "transgender" people are all up in arms over sports bans?

Men that transgender into a woman are still men even if they get parts taken off and take hormone treatments their bodies are still different than a natural born woman....

In many cases male athletes outperform female ones so in what world does it make it a fair and equal competition if a man decides to become a woman and then compete against them?

I personally am all for this ban of transgender athletes. Women work hard to get to where they are in the world of athletics.
Why is it that "transgender" people are all up in arms over sports bans?

Men that transgender into a woman are still men even if they get parts taken off and take hormone treatments their bodies are still different than a natural born woman....

In many cases male athletes outperform female ones so in what world does it make it a fair and equal competition if a man decides to become a woman and then compete against them?

I personally am all for this ban of transgender athletes. Women work hard to get to where they are in the world of athletics.

How is this fair? It's ridiculous that people try and justify that this is a fair competition.