Wife's bike in shop, can't believe this...

Take it to Smither's!!! They fixed BW's Luci up. Of course BW took the opportunity to add on some stuff, so I don't know how much they would charge, but I know they will treat you right!!!
Thanks for all the words of encouragement I'll pass them along to the Mrs... As to her riding style its not as spirited as say mine and this could have contributed to the condition. Just seems really odd as the bike was bought brand new "0" miles in Oklahoma now almost 9k later she just wouldn't start one morning! All service work was done by me on time, everytime! Randy funny you mention oil the air cleaner was a little darker than normal and had some evidence of oil stains on it when I changed it at 7500 miles....
waterbug, I think you're facing issues with your dealer for a couple of reasons.
  • You bought the bike out of state, and the dealer feels zero loyalty to you.
  • It sounds as if you're doing your own scheduled maintenance, again perhaps ticking off the dealer as he's not allowed to soak you every few thousand miles.

I'd have him point out in the owners manual exactly where your wife's riding style is contrary to what the manufacturer recommends. I suspect you'll end up working with the higher ups at Suzuki to get this resolved...and it will probably work out in the end. Good luck.
KS,just curious,did the bike run OK the last time it was ridden??...no issue's???
I've heard of valve guides/valve stems sticking,when bike was laid up for a long period of time(years)...or even the buckets sticking in head,but you said all 4 cylinders had low compression(30lbs)..thats a serious carbon buildup,which is either ECM,02,cat,and,or the choke(en-richener)circuit!
Is it possible bike was ridden with choke on???...Nah,no way???
I was always told by my grandfather Break it in how you plan to ride or drive it so that little site that mymaster put up :thumbsup: goodluck KS in getting the problem at hand fixxed
Did the shop squirt any oil into the cylinders to see if it helps? I highly doubt there's THAT much carbon gunk in there. On second thought, forget this.

It's a freaking 07'! There aint NOTHING in there. Change the plugs, clean out the fuel system. That's where the problem lies. Probly old old gas messin with the fuel system.
Sorry, this is not good. Even if you had 86 octane or 117 you would not get that kind f build up. I am sure you did not have that many miles on the bike?
You know the other "oddity" is that all the cylinders are equally low? this is getting more weird.....
In the 37 years I've been riding

You're 53+ years old ??

As far as the bike, something sounds shady as hell.......I would call Suzuki directly.
I know all new bikes have at least a 1 year warranty. Not sure where you stand on that....

It sounds like any "Factory" defects have to be covered by the factory if they CHOOOSE to do so.
And we all know how that goes I'm sure......sorry to hear about your misfortune.
An Air compressor and some simple leakdown fittings (simple air fittings that thread into the sparkplug holes) are all you need to find the root cause of the issue. Wind her to TDC and apply air. If you can hear it at the crankcase fill it is most likely rings. If you can hear it at the Radiator fill or adjacent cylinder(s) it is most likely a head gasket. If you can hear it at the intake or exhaust (hopefully not both) it is most likely a valve. If it is low on all four cylinders it would rule out most of these. Not sure if this is possible (someone with more mechanical know how feel free to chime in here) but if the cam timing jumped a tooth somehow couldn't that show as a loss of compression?

Head Gasket?

I wish you were closer my Brother GM... Cause I'd take you up on this!
Not 53 yet, ok for a while and I ain't rushing anything! Play on words been riding since I was roughly four (dirt bikes, then street as I got older)... Didn't really get into the mechanical side of the house until I was in my teens so I guess the corrected figure would be twenty-seven plus :bowdown:

Going to the shop in a few and planning on taking some pictures of the situation. Will post them IF they allow me access to the bike.
Sounds like you need to take the wifes bike out weekly and blow the soot out. $1100 ouch
been working on cars and bikes a long time and this sounds like BS to me also, i`d document and get pics and call suzuki. carbon can usually be removed by some kind of top engine cleaner or even water if your careful and pour it in slowly, you would have to get it to start first.
...The ATF apparently burns out the carbon post haste and the stuff you dump in the pan helps to break down any that gets past the rings.

did similar to a friend's '66 289 Mustang. the car was his grandparents and had been sitting up for years so when he was driving one day a lifter stuck from gunk in the engine. we drained a little oil and put in some ATF (2 quarts actually). after we ran it for a while the lifter freed and then we changed the oil. now life is good for him. :-)
Check your owners manual for shift points. I bet you will find that they recommend riding it pretty easy. I know people with 750's that don't rev the pi$$ out off them and they still run just fine.

I would want to speak to the Suzuki rep that turned down this claim. It sounds more like the claim was never submitted. ???
Update... I have pic's but won't get them uploaded until the am! This claim is going to Suzuki so I'm counting on them to do the right thing and take care of the Mrs bike. Not just any bike but her first AND I'm the one who pushed for it to be a Suzuki. So this has to work out in the end... I'll keep you all posted. Stay tuned for pictures in the am.