Would you have pulled the trigger?

I agree, but I still would have beat the C#$p out of the guy anyway, make him walk (naked) to the police station with a cardboard sign that says "I am a 20 year old male who likes little girls!!! He might make it there in one piece! Daughter, well she wont be going ANYWHERE unescorted until she is 25!!!

Really? ???

Cum on.. In the grand scheme of things.. A 20 year old young man dating someone four years younger is hardly defineable as a perversion or liking "little girls". How about 24 and 20? Then what?
You do remember being 16 right? Looking back, had you looked in the mirror, I really doubt you would have looked like a little girl.
The messed up thing is a guy going to jail over something that is totally natural but suppressed in our sexually repressed society.
Now, if the guy was there with your pre-pubescent 11 year old that definitely is shoot to kill mode!
Really? ???

Cum on.. In the grand scheme of things.. A 20 year old young man dating someone four years younger is hardly defineable as a perversion or liking "little girls". How about 24 and 20? Then what?
You do remember being 16 right? Looking back, had you looked in the mirror, I really doubt you would have looked like a little girl.
The messed up thing is a guy going to jail over something that is totally natural but suppressed in our sexually repressed society.
Now, if the guy was there with your pre-pubescent 11 year old that definitely is shoot to kill mode!

Spoken like a man who either doesn't have a 16 year old daughter or who likes 16 year old girls:laugh:
Older guys are trophies for girls under age.. Statutory rape or not, the girl is equally at fault.
No, I wouldn't have pulled the trigger.

Really? ???

Cum on.. In the grand scheme of things.. A 20 year old young man dating someone four years younger is hardly defineable as a perversion or liking "little girls". How about 24 and 20? Then what?
You do remember being 16 right? Looking back, had you looked in the mirror, I really doubt you would have looked like a little girl.
The messed up thing is a guy going to jail over something that is totally natural but suppressed in our sexually repressed society.
Now, if the guy was there with your pre-pubescent 11 year old that definitely is shoot to kill mode!

I see your point. It is valid, but...... She is still classified as a "child" He is classified as an adult. It is the law. Not to mention the total lack of respect they both had for her and her family to just come on over do their deed in the family home. Kinda of like a male coming from one tribe to the other to make his mark so to speak. NOT cool!!!! Once she is an adult (18 by law) then I am sure she will continue to live by her parents rules or move out and make her own rules.

Yeah, I remember being 16. Yep, I did and do like older men (Patrick Stewart :inlove: ) . But at 16 (at least in my family) a 20 year old boyfriend was a MAJOR no no!!! My Dad would have nipped that in the butt real QUICK!!! I probably would still be grounded today at age 41!!! :)

I am not a parent, but I do have very protective tendencies so I know I would have protected at all cost even if I got beat up in the process.
nope would have shoved both of them out the door naked and locked it behind them. Let them figure it out from there.
Hard to say, if I didnt recognize him its a fair chance he's face down dead as hell. If I did, well its a fair chance I wouldnt have done anything to him except call the cops and let them deal with it. The daughter certainly shares some of the responsibility here, I agree with the "once she saw the gun come clean" comment.

All I know, my daughter will NOT be in this situation as she will know full well that a 20yr old is inappropriate for a 16yr old and that ANY guy found in the house, neked or not without her mother's or my permission will get her punished until she's not living under my roof. I also feel quite certain that any guy she brings to the house will understand the rules :whistle:

As for the 20 dating a 24 comment, lets face it, thats a totally different situation. A 20yr old should know what she's doing, where a 16yr old is easily impressed or talked into things because she "likes him or doesnt want him mad, blah blah". Now I'm not saying if you flip the sexes here it would be any different, a 16yr old male shouldnt be ho'in around with a 20yr old woman.... though everyone here will admit that is seen TOTALLY differently :laugh:
"I see your point. It is valid, but...... She is still classified as a "child" He is classified as an adult. It is the law."

Not beating someone and 'accidentally"shooting them is ALSO the law. Lets keep this in mind. You cant apply the law selectively. If he was running out of the house naked and you shot him, and he were to die, thats MURDER. if hes running away, he is no longer posing a threat to you, and thus you are not justified in using deadly force. same with a naked guy in your house, obviously not a threat to your life. pull the gun on him and make him stand down until the cops get there? sure. Beat him with your pistol? nope, you crossed the line of the law there, and should be treated accordingly.

If I had a daughter in that situation, would i wanna kill the guy? of course. But wanting to doesnt make it legal, any more than me wanting a million bucks justifies me robbing a bank for it.
pull the gun on him and make him stand down until the cops get there? sure.

In most states, the act of brandishing a weapon is fairly serious... The fact is that if you ever pull a gun on someone you better be prepared to pull the trigger and you should shoot to kill. Two reasons, first and foremost if you are not prepared to kill you dont need the gun. The second, its way easier to argue your case when they cant talk back :whistle:

Dont get me wrong I'm a huge 2nd ammendment supporter and own guns. I just think you can solve issues without them more than not and they should be used as a final option only to protect you and your family (and in tejas anything you own :thumbsup: ). I'm not sayin dont carry one, far from it, hell in this situation I would have taken it with me to investigate but it would not have left the holster until I was committed to shooting the person.
You can't shoot your daughter's boyfriend when you find them both naked in the daughters bedroom without doing some jail time. The father is extremely fortunate the boyfriend wasn't killed or permanently mamed.
this guy is an idiot....he deserves to be in jail.

allows his daughter to date a 20 year old loser. then pulls out a gun when he catches them banging, and finds the BF naked...

a gun is for killing people, not too send a message to your daughters boyfriend by pistol whipping, buffalo-ing or fireing over the head....

I take it you've never had teenagers? If they really want to do something, their gonna do it whether you "allow" them to or not.

Bad judgment call with the gun though, like someone posted earlier I like my guns too much to have even one taken away.
I guarantee I'd put the fear in the guy though, and he would never enter my house again. Black eye and split lip not optional, and his balls would probably not be operational for quite some time.
Spoken like a man who either doesn't have a 16 year old daughter or who likes 16 year old girls:laugh:

No comment on either point. However, I have to say that as a teen from the age of 14-17 I was regularly approached by older women such as lonely housewives and single mothers well into their late 20-30's. As I got over the age of 18 and into my early 20's I was routinely approached by young girls who happened to be the daughters of the SNCO's and officers in my chain of command. Did I take the bait? Fugg no!
The one guy (age 24 jackass) that did hook-up with a persistent (14 year old) was promptly prosecuted and ended up in confinement.

One question for you parents: Why is your 16 year old American daughter still a little girl when in the UK 16 year old females are seen as adults in regards to the age of consent scenario?

You have to face the reality that your little innocent daughter isn't so innocent particularly under the influence of raging hormones at that age as well as sexual bombardment in the media. In American and elsewhere this is a media that happens to exploit the "illegal" sexuality of an underage teen female.

Furthermore, no amount of social conditioning can effectively prevent our natural biological drive to procreate which is, in effect, what caused the girl to invite the older boy into the house against the parents obvious teachings.

Just spittin' some reality at'cha!
o love how after 3 pages some of you still want to ignore some facts:

1. this was not a stranger. the man was not protecting his daughter from an intruder. the man knew this guy, he knew it was the boyfriend......

so stop all this talk about "if i came home and some stranger was in my house" because that is not the case with this guy.

2. the guy did not break, he was invited in by the daughter. they were having sex. a 16 year old can have sex legally in that state....

so stop talking about rape, this is is not rape...and not statutory rape either.

now we can all sit and talk about how todays 16 year old girls are not like the ones we grew up with...they don't dress the same and don't act the same or even look the same....but you can tell they are 16, especially after having a 5 minute conversation....so while it would be easy to say "i thought she was 18" and excuse a guy for baging a child....the fact is there is nothing attractive about a child, and i remember having sex as a 16 yearold teen with another 16 year old...it sucked.

sure the difference between 16 and 20 is only 4 years...but they are four big years. its not like 26 and 30.

if you are 20, and dating a freshman in high school....you are a loser...
I wouldn't be kickin his arse because he was an intruder.
I'd be kickin his arse because he's a 20 year old nailin my 16 year old daughter. :boxing:
I don't care if she invited him in or not. :madfire:
I think the guy gets his ass whipped 9.5 outta 10 times with this crowd :laugh:
this is simple answer to any questions about this topic if your nailing some girl and her farther walks in the house run out the back door window ect. Regardless unless ur married to the girl her dad is gana want to shoot you.

and if your dumb enough to hide under the sink while sleeping with someone in highschool when your in college(16 girl 20 guy) your probly dumb enough to get killed doing something else you shouldnt be doing

:rulez:when her dad comes home you better leave if a f&#*ing hurry if your smart:rulez:
its a bad scenario all the way around, my daughter is 15 now don't know what I would do if something like this happened, :whistle::whistle:
You can't kill somebody that is not putting you or your families life in danger...that is the way I view the law. If they are or percived to threaten your life...and after you pull the triger a few times and the law is involved...shots fired etc..I just hope I do not have to make that decision...

In the ccw class it was all about avoid shooting and if you do you had to prove that you have exhausted other options...the life or death situation was the only option.

For what it is worth...anger is a factor that could put you behind bars when it comes to various circumstances gun or no gun.