Arch, I happen to /sometimes/ agree with you, and frequently disagree, at least I can debate you. In the case of the officer in FL - The Hispanic Officer which shouldn't matter - this one I feel like are going to be some repercussions for the officer and his department/city, BUT I'm hoping that the community waits for the investigation to complete and don't start burning their neighborhoods down. It does NOT look like it's a good shoot to me.
And, I also happen to agree with Scooby when he said "HOWEVER I do feel that the black experience is real and one would not fully understand nor relate to the wrongs, discrimination, profiling etc without being a black man in America" (the FULL quote, by the way). I'm not Black (obviously) and I'll never be. But I'm also not going to blindly agree that there is a particular over a particular incident (Freddy Gray, Ferguson) and sympathize with any looters or violence, regardless of the whether it was a legit shoot or not. BLM CERTAINLY has the right to protest and march, PEACEFULLY - I support that just like I support the Tea Party peacefully protesting. Rioting, Looting, Vandalism, Blocking the interstates, or killing police I WILL NOT accept nor sympathize with.
Look what's happening in Dallas - the Police chief challenged the community "if you don't like the way things are going, how about submitting an application and actually do something about it?" The good news is applications are way up. I actually think more minority officers helping to police minority communities would be a GOOD thing, and stop a lot of this.