WTH is up with our government?

Thanks, you should probably read those, you'll find that neither supports the earlier contention that blacks account for 52% (or 62.2%) of murders in the US. Stats are interesting, but inaccurate stats only add to misunderstanding the issues.
Thanks, you should probably read those, you'll find that neither supports the earlier contention that blacks account for 52% (or 62.2%) of murders in the US. Stats are interesting, but inaccurate stats only add to misunderstanding the issues.

You are correct sir. I apologize, the stats I posted (62.2%) were only for the murder of African Americans. Total murders committed, blacks are only responsible for 38%, and whites 31%.
I didn't misquote you sky, I quoted you in part as the....indicated. I didn't "twist" a damn thing. All of what you posted is still there for all to see. You sound like many others that are misinformed or don't really care about black folks. Why (aren't) you concerned? All you can talk about is the black on black crime when the POINT is, the killing of black men by the largely WHITE police forces across the country. It's actually quite easy to understand unless of course, you're a bigoted racist that believes only what the main stream media tells you. White is right eh? No matter what...

The hell you didn't misquote me. Don't put words into my mouth; I stand by what I ORIGINALLY said, which is that VERY frequently, a black person shot by the police results in riots and civil disturbance long before the facts are in - and in SEVERAL high-profile recent events, the police shooting was found to be JUSTIFIED. And you do a disservice to our law enforcement community by insinuating they are racists. Since you can't seem debate me, you decide to pull out the 'racist' card, which means you've run all out of debating points, and can't seem to handle the statistical facts put out by the DOJ. You don't know poop about me. Maybe you don't know about my 26 years of service, where is served alongside men and women of character of ALL colors. You see, I don't make my decision based on the color of the skin, I make mine on the basis of a persons CHARACTER. For the record, I don't like cheap white trash much either.

Good luck in life carrying that huge victim chip on your shoulder. It's working so well for you and the Black community. The few that are willing to call out the real problem are labeled "uncle tom's" because they dare to deviate from the message. It's about as bad as Obama not being able to say "Radical Islamic Terrorist".
Police shooting blacks results in riots because it is the government disproportionately targeting a population. There is a white hand pushing down on the scales of justice, that is a fact. When we see people shot down in cold blood by police on video and nothing happens to them except people say "oops my bad", that's why there are riots. And those shootings are largely not found to be justified, they are just not found to be crimes. I think you are carrying the chip. You can't look an obvious injustice and say, this is wrong - we need to fix it. We don't need to shoot cops, black people need to stop killing each other, and police need to stop blasting away at blacks because they can.

It's crazy that if a private citizen who owned a legal weapon used it the way some cops have they would go directly to jail. Do we all think it's ok to hold a private citizen to a higher standard than a supposedly trained professional?

Darn, I was trying to stat out of this one..........
Arch, I happen to /sometimes/ agree with you, and frequently disagree, at least I can debate you. In the case of the officer in FL - The Hispanic Officer which shouldn't matter - this one I feel like are going to be some repercussions for the officer and his department/city, BUT I'm hoping that the community waits for the investigation to complete and don't start burning their neighborhoods down. It does NOT look like it's a good shoot to me.

And, I also happen to agree with Scooby when he said "HOWEVER I do feel that the black experience is real and one would not fully understand nor relate to the wrongs, discrimination, profiling etc without being a black man in America" (the FULL quote, by the way). I'm not Black (obviously) and I'll never be. But I'm also not going to blindly agree that there is a particular over a particular incident (Freddy Gray, Ferguson) and sympathize with any looters or violence, regardless of the whether it was a legit shoot or not. BLM CERTAINLY has the right to protest and march, PEACEFULLY - I support that just like I support the Tea Party peacefully protesting. Rioting, Looting, Vandalism, Blocking the interstates, or killing police I WILL NOT accept nor sympathize with.

Look what's happening in Dallas - the Police chief challenged the community "if you don't like the way things are going, how about submitting an application and actually do something about it?" The good news is applications are way up. I actually think more minority officers helping to police minority communities would be a GOOD thing, and stop a lot of this.
I pretty much agree with your post. The problem in Ferguson is there is an alternative to the officer's version of the events that fits the evidence, so there should have been a trial. Would he have been convicted? Probably not because the same 2 possibilities that should have made the GJ indict him would have provided reasonable doubt. But the bigger issue is what the Ferguson PD was doing to the community and that it why the DOJ cleared it out.

There was a BLM protest here in Richmond where they blocked interstate 95. All the 17 or so people arrested were White. I think people are seeing that something is rotten. Hopefully this can get under control before it becomes a really unfortunate situation (too late for Dallas, RIP officers).
Hopefully this can get under control before it becomes a really unfortunate situation (too late for Dallas, RIP officers).

In THIS, we are 100% aligned. Sooner or later, if people aren't careful, this violence could take off, and a lot of people on both sides of this issue are gonna get hurt. Bad enough the police now appear to be fair game - and is not helpful in curbing the violence. ALL lives matter.
Here is where I am just so incredibly and deeply saddened. As a society we are just as guilty as our political leaders in congress. We keep demanding that they change and make adjustments and fix things like the budgets, health care, military, education and the economy but even as a small group of friends we can't even sort out one topic. I respect the perspectives of others and often times just can't fathom how someone can justify damaging or violent actions of someone else that thinks the same way. At some level we have to trust each other, we have broken bread together and looked each other face to face. We know fundamentally our core values are the same and yet we can't agree on how to get to a peaceful solution. If we who already know each other can't work together to get rid of the rhetoric and at least acknowledge and nod a head that the perceptions of the other side are valid or at least real how can we expect those who are across the country and led by the media and politics to ever find the way?

I have MANY close friends of all types, some are white, black, Asian, Hispanic, a few are homosexual but we all talk and appreciate the real viewpoints of the others. We all see that there are people in each camp that often times don't help progress because their agenda doesn't line up with the best interest of the country. For me all I know to do is to be nice, be the best friend I can be to you all... Support you when I can, let my actions speak for me and let me earn your trust. Maybe we can stop all the garbage and know that we all want a better place for our kids and call garbage what it is, call out good when we see it and work together to improve.

I added blue lights to my porch last night to show my support for my local PD, I know those guys as a former LEO and working with most of them I worry about them....

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I agree Cap! Love one another. Be selfless is everything. Give till it hurts. "It's much easier to pull someone down than to lift someone up." ( my dad told me that long ago.)
You are correct sir. I apologize, the stats I posted (62.2%) were only for the murder of African Americans. Total murders committed, blacks are only responsible for 38%, and whites 31%.
No worries, I only raised the issue because there is lots of misinformation floating around out there, and obviously it's a highly charged issue emotionally, too. It's hard to think logically about these kinds of problems when there is so much emotion around them. Add in the politics, and it's hard to see a clear way out of the mess we are in. But we have to try.
Keep arguing amongst eachother while the government runs its divide and conquer on the populace and keeps the sheep distracted. Blacks want blacks to stop dying then they can quit killing each other, anything outside of that dealing with black deaths is a statistical back ground noise.
Remember who the real enemy now is...
Nothing wrong with spirited debate; one of the things that makes our country special because it's not allowed in so many others. Plenty wrong when it gets to accusations and bullying...

As an example of what I was trying to point out: Entire city went nuts, tore up their own stuff, hurt other people, all because they just could not wait for the incident to be fully investigated, emotions intentionally whipped up by someone with an agenda...


3 of 3 tried - not guilty. All remaining charges dropped.

I suspect there will be a long wait for an apology.
all 50 states should reject the federal goverment, close it down to skeleton crew, and return the power of the people to the states. Each state has the right to govern our selves. Then each their own pick a state that aligns with your beliefs and move to that state. I know its a pipe dream but we can wish...
Keep arguing amongst eachother while the government runs its divide and conquer on the populace and keeps the sheep distracted. Blacks want blacks to stop dying then they can quit killing each other, anything outside of that dealing with black deaths is a statistical back ground noise.
Remember who the real enemy now is...

Well maybe you're right in a mathematical sense. But I still have to worry about running into that rogue cop on my way home from my local movie house at midnight. A big part of law and order is trust. Once that's gone it always going to be a high friction interaction.
all 50 states should reject the federal goverment, close it down to skeleton crew, and return the power of the people to the states. Each state has the right to govern our selves. Then each their own pick a state that aligns with your beliefs and move to that state. I know its a pipe dream but we can wish...

Funny but red states actually get more money from the federal government than blue states. I point this out because I hear the "let's go independent" thing more from the right than the left. I admit this is probably a biased source, but I have seen this in many different places: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-...st-dependent-on-the-federal-government-2015-7

I don't think you will find a majority of people wanting to leave the union. How do you propose to split up the federal pie (property, parks, ships, aircraft, etc.) between the states?
Well maybe you're right in a mathematical sense. But I still have to worry about running into that rogue cop on my way home from my local movie house at midnight. A big part of law and order is trust. Once that's gone it always going to be a high friction interaction.

Arch, given all that's gone on recently, I could understand your worry about that. "TRUST" is a 2-way street...and I think there are actors that are deliberately trying to make it worse, not better. But I think that's overestimating how many "rogue cops" are out there. However, IF I were in your situation (and I'm admittedly not), being calm, polite and non-confrontational would certainly fall in your favor. I know you've seen that Chris Rock "how to not get your a** beat by police" video; yet the 'advice' presented is valid for everyone stopped, regardless of color...while humorous, there is an element of truth to it...