WTH is up with our government?

Doug, I admire your faith GREATLY. And while I agree with what you said, I still believe that Man (as in mankind as not to offend the pc crowd) was given free will for a reason. To me, that means standing on the sidelines isn't exactly an option, as others with a view different than yours won't. And they are COUNTING on it.

Maybe we are being tested. For me, at this that means continuing to speak up and vote for what I believe is right, and doing my very best to live it by example. There may come a time when more is required. I am of the opinion that we are not there yet, and I hope that day doesn't come, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to be prepared for it. I am not a sheep, and it would be poor judgment to consider us such...

Speak softly, but carry a big stick....
There goes the Jesus stuff... you just lost me on this thread... I fully understand that is your opinion.

Not pushing anything on you at all but all of us sitting around complaining all day, arguing about who is right and wrong is not going to get anywhere. Regardless if you are a believer or not I think everyone would agree that everyone can see our country fracturing and all of the divisiveness & bitterness.
Doug, I admire your faith GREATLY. And while I agree with what you said, I still believe that Man (as in mankind as not to offend the pc crowd) was given free will for a reason. To me, that means standing on the sidelines isn't exactly an option, as others with a view different than yours won't. And they are COUNTING on it.

Maybe we are being tested. For me, at this that means continuing to speak up and vote for what I believe is right, and doing my very best to live it by example. There may come a time when more is required. I am of the opinion that we are not there yet, and I hope that day doesn't come, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to be prepared for it. I am not a sheep, and it would be poor judgment to consider us such...

Speak softly, but carry a big stick....

Oh by no means am I saying that we should just roll up in a ball and play dead. I want to start with what I know to be true, do what I know to be right and use that wisdom for next steps... There will have to be actions, I can't make those decisions on next steps without stopping to pray first and move from there...
I don't disagree with anything that you posted.
I just think we are reaching the point of the Book of Revalations.

We are spirit beings, having a physical experience, gifted with free will, in the world, not of the world.
This is a test. All who pass it, move forward at the end of the game.
Christ WILL return, and maybe in our lifetime.
I have no fears, and no worries.
My faith is in Jesus, now and forever.
And I need it made known that I'm a hypocrite and a sinner, that I'm not trying to speak from some phony high place.
It is what it is, we just may become very uncomfortable in our country in the near future.
Matthew 25:13

Very good conversation. It's always refreshing to know and see the work Christ started is still going strong among many.

I have for the past few years readied myself physically and mentally. Re-visited skill sets and studied various crafts in preparation for something that I pray dosn't happen. I have to check myself internally from time to time about my motivations. It's a constant inward battle. John 3:30 is my life's verse and is fitting for us all.

After continued prayer and petition I have found peace in knowing that some men were made for times such as this.
I know that if you look back in the country there have been some dark times and I am sure that in those times as well men felt as though the moral compass was completly misaligned and corruption was rampant.. Somehow men and women pulled it together and were able to realign priorities, overcome misconceptions, set aside personal agendas and get back to what was best for the country. It starts at home in the smallest of groups and spreads our from there. How I interact with my family, my friends and if I live a life that shows how I value others and not just lip action that will speak volumes to character. People don't want lip service anymore they really want to see people transparent and up front, honest and caring.. I will do my best to show this to others.

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Interesting take. However, I'd like to comment on the "why does everyone have a fit when a cop is shot, but people are shooting each other and nobody notices?"...Many of us are also wondering why BLM never seems to mention black/black crime in Chicago - and never march there, but every time the police shoot someone, they go crazy, before they find out that while unfortunate, the shooting was justified? To be CLEAR: ALL Lives Matter, and blocking interstates yelling "kill the cops" is NOT ACCEPTABLE.[/QUOTE

Damn sky, that's a helluva statement. "Every time the police shoot someone....the shooting was justified"? Are you kidding or so naive that you don't actually believe that (some) white cops are executing unarmed black men? Did you see the most recent shooting of an unarmed, proned out, hands up black man? Justified eh? The BLM people are talking about the alarming and ever increasing shootings or killings of unarmed or non threatening black men? I'll agree that they should also be concerned with black on black killings but the BLM (movement) is about police shooting black men.
We've allowed the two political parties to become dominated by their respective fringes, so there is no meaningful discussion or debate- only empty rhetoric. The logical result, it seems, has arrived. Each party has chosen the worst person they had available, and the voter will be asked to decide between them.

If this is what we deserve, we must be worse than I thought we were- and I had a pretty low opinion of us to begin with.

While you missed the quote marks, I'll certainly respond. Just like those who want to manipulate what other say, you quoted me, but left out the most important part in order to twist what I said...In the future, don't misquote me..

Yes, I have seen the recent video of the man that was shot (by a hispanic - not white - officer, I understand - which shouldn't matter) who was trying to comply, and protect the mentally ill person. My point was: Don't rush to judgment before starting riots, and let the system fully investigate. I suspect IN THIS CASE the shooting might NOT be good, and the officer is likely to face punishment, and the city is going to be paying someone some $$$.

To use a justified shooting in order to inflate your statistics about police violence is disappropriately and unfairly placed against one particular race is BS. Out of ALL the major riots incited by police killing a black man, many of them are still under investigation (as it should be), but many of them (Ferguson as an example) were JUSTIFIED - the story used to incite the riots was later found to be was NOT TRUE (kinda like Benghazi was about a YouTube video..) - Yet I've yet to hear a "oops we're sorry we burned your town, sir"...

So, lets do a little math: 13% of the US population is Black, but 52% of murder in the united states is committed by Blacks. Inconvenient truth. IF the BLM really wanted to focus on doing something to actually HELP the Black community, Chicago would be a great place to start, and might actually garnish the respect of a lot of people who do NOT currently give it. IF I personally saw BLM doing THIS, it would go a long way for my having respect for their cause. But they won't because it's not their REAL goal...

Cap: Yep, I'm not sure what that man is preaching...but it's not about Jesus...
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Those statistics are from the Department of Justice. Sorry to say, skydivr those are old statistics from 2008. The new percentage from 2015 are 62.2%, also from the Department of Justice.
Oh poop! My tongue is bleeding, I think I have bitten through! CAPTAIN, quick another sermon please!!! PLEASE!!!! I think we need to go for a ride !!!!:alcoholic:
I didn't misquote you sky, I quoted you in part as the....indicated. I didn't "twist" a damn thing. All of what you posted is still there for all to see. You sound like many others that are misinformed or don't really care about black folks. Why (aren't) you concerned? All you can talk about is the black on black crime when the POINT is, the killing of black men by the largely WHITE police forces across the country. It's actually quite easy to understand unless of course, you're a bigoted racist that believes only what the main stream media tells you. White is right eh? No matter what...
My issue with the BLM movement is that it fails to address all of the issues.
Like others have pointed out with statistics, I will not dispute that when it comes to the murder of blacks that blacks kill more blacks than white officers kill blacks. HOWEVER I do feel that the black experience is real and one would not fully understand nor relate to the wrongs, discrimination, profiling etc without being a black man in America. Theres probably no statistics on that and if there were they'd likely be just as alarming.
Nice language from a pastor...

I really don't see anything wrong. He was a man speaking from his heart. After watching this follow up video I think we should look at this as right vs wrong. Should this officer be punished or just get a "hey he you made a mistake, take a few days off WITH PAY" This situation along with others pounts to unresolved underlying issues.
