YNGVE or anyone. Need fast help re clutch mod.

OB_Dirty Pete

YNGVE, my bike is in with my tuner RIGHT NOW to do the clutch mod you described for me in the Modifications forum, but he's saying it WON'T WORK to stop the clutch grabbing effect on launch.

He says it will only end the downshift slipping effect.

He also says the ONLY way you can stop the clutch grabbing is with a rebuild like the Schnitz clutch mod.

Is this true? My mechanic is waiting and I lose him for 2 weeks if I can't be definitive for him right now.

Isn't it possible to fix the clutch grabbing problem with an arc welder?

If it HAS worked for you, please tell me in words my tuner can understand what he has to do and I will instruct him to proceed that way whether he believes it or not.
One more call....Yngve, Yngve...I know you're out there.

Probably rounding up the caribou.

Anyone know how to end the clutch grabbing without the Schnitz mod?

My window of fix-it opportunity ends in 5 hours.
Thanks Pete.
I havent actually done the mod myself but I cant see any other way to do it.
I was thinking about doing it this winter and no way am I going to let ANYONE else than myself do anything on my bike. :)
I have been looking at the parts though and cant figure out that the clucth doesnt work like I think it does ( bad english but my choice of words arent that big...unless we are talking about dirty words, then I know them all..heheheh ) .
If U have had it done any other way let me know :)