Your 1 stop post for all the info...

1775 MILES from JErsey City, that's 2 big days of riding.
My uncle lives in Denver, CO.
Still 165 miles from copper mountain.

Would need to take 4 days off work
I would like to be there but would hate to commit to anything right now. Is there a deadline for tickets? I'm about to move and start a new job, so I am unsure about getting the time to go.
well there will be some kinda deadline for the tickets but dont know what it is now since we are still trying to contact them to negotiate a group deal

I'd be more concerned with finding a place to crash there, unfortunately the resort will require you to put down a deposit which is only refundable up to 30days prior to the event. Might be worth securing it if you are considering and then make the go/no go decision 45days or earlier to the event.

ps theres a buncha folks heading out in a caravan from Arkansas area on thursday the 18th I believe

I start low with the numbers (been my experience) you never get the turn-out you expect! 25-35 individual tickets.... Maybe post up what the price break is for each level. I've been trying again this morning without success.

The option to camp is still available! Best of all its less than a meal for two at McDonalds.... Per day!
I'd be more concerned with finding a place to crash there, unfortunately the resort will require you to put down a deposit which is only refundable up to 30days prior to the event.  Might be worth securing it if you are considering and then make the go/no go decision 45days or earlier to the event.

ps theres a buncha folks heading out in a caravan from Arkansas area on thursday the 18th I believe
Thanks for the advice. I'll make some calls this afternoon.

Unfortunately I will not be in Arkansas by then, I'm getting x-ferred to Utah in about 3 weeks. But I think I will be closer

Hey which way are you guys coming from Arkansas? I dont know if I can make it yet, but if your rolling down I-40 through Oklahoma, I will at least meet up with all of you. Let me know.
hey big john, you'll haveta ask moondog that one .... I'm either following his group or leading with the GPS but currently have no clue how we are heading out across to CO..... all I know is we are definately going
Well if there is anyone going through Southdakota or Nebraska on the way out there let me know not sure if im gona meet up with BusainSD and ride down or cut across nebraska to Denver and over from there would like to ride in a group though would be a bit nicer for a change going solo just is no fun
bigjohn, we plan on leaving Fayetteville, Ar Thursday morning whenever zukracer gets here, we will shoot across Oklahoma on 412, through Tulsa, hit the Cimmeron expressway over to 35....are you coming out of Ok City? If so, we can meet up on 35 somewhere. Fayetteville to Golden, Co. (where I'm from) is 835 miles, door to door. We hope to be in Denver early evening, but it depends on how much "fun" we have along the way.
I only need to get one more memory card for the GPS system and I'll have the entire 5k mile trip all plugged in
is it aug yet?
After this deals gap run this weekend I'm gonna be jonesin for this one to get here

If you come through Ks, stop and pick Ks up!

Any luck on the group buy for the Cyclefest? I'm still coming up with a Zero...
no luck yet, ever tried to nail jello to the wall
well thats how I feel with contacting these folks. wtf, you'd think they would want to presell a bunch to tickets!

and I dunno the route, dont think we are going into KS but you could dip down into OK or meet us along the ride into CO
KS- we will be coming through Kansas, right up 35 through Witchita, on to Salina where we hit 70, straight west into Denver. This is the fastest way, I do it about three or four times a year. If we all get out of here by 8:00 am, we should hit Witchita by noon. Depends on when Zukracer gets to Fayetteville...
well I'm heading out of Conway, so I have NFC where one is to the other, only a GPS and hope that the maps are right

so thats where I'm comin from, you tell me how long a drive it is and I'll tell you what time I can be there
KS don't forget that I am leaving Wed and if you need me to haul anything up there for you lets get together so I can get the item from you.

that goes for any one else if you need me to take soemthing up there I am hauling my bikes up in a trailer and I have plenty of room for extra stuff.
Moondog might just take you up on the ride out! Depends on when the group I'm riding want's to head out.... Lobo might have to take you up on that offer! Still got sometime to plan things out so I'll have to drop you a line when it gets closer to showtime!
and the word of the day is legs ....

actually, I spoke with Danita today about sponosorship (booth) and ticket prices
(figured they would for sure answer the $$$ phone huh

She is sending me some info for what a booth costs, details etc but a 10x10 is $500 for the event, with sizes up to 20x20 I think she said was $850.  If we wanted to get a booth (the small one) it would cost ~$10 for the ~50 members currently signed up.  Figure we could show case some of the "show bikes" as well as promoting this site/group.  Pretty cheap advertising if you ask me, PLUS it would give us a central point to congregate/meet
  If we had 2-3 folks "working" the booth for a few hours it could net some great exposure, plus anyone that wants to show off their toy(s) it would be a great venue for it

I also mentioned contacting folks there at RPM to get ticket pricing/group rates/etc was like nailing jello to the wall.  She is going to work up some pricing and get back to me.  I mentioned that we are looking at 50+ folks but to price it at 30+, then 50+.  Figure there's some couples coming so that would drive the #'s up slightly
 As soon as I hear back, I'll post what she tells me.


so if we are setting up a booth does that mean the persons working in the booth get in free? this is new to me, i must have missed a page, but i would gladly spent an hr or 2 talking to folk, if im needed. although my ugly mug may not say much for busa owners haha
Guys the Mile High Busa Owners Club is already on this... They have a tent, reserved parking and a dinner planned for this event. Of course Org members are included. More details to come as we get closer to the actual dates. Good work on getting someone to answer on the group pricing! This Jello was getting tired of falling onto the floor.......