Your 1 stop post for all the info...

havent quite decided on definate route yet, well i have to go through michigan, and indiana and illinois, just to name a few. leaving around 10 wednesday night, should be in the colorado state on thursday night and be at the campground friday.
Hey chev982 are you bringing any Canuck beer down? I think I'm going to insulate my tailbag and load it up with some road pops for the board members in Colorado!!
hmmm..... canuck beer.... there was this little brewery up near Toronto, outside a town called Bellvue I think it was, some kinda honey brown that was just yummmmyyyyyyyy
Cache, your more than welcome to come and sample the spoils of owning a Busa!!!

yah im bringing a whole whack load of beer, what kind do u guys like? sleemans, alexander keiths?? maybe ill bring a bottle of alberta's premium whiskey, oh man come on august!! cant hardly wait, the only thing is the more things i think of wanting to do, like white water rafting, going to six flags, checking out yellowstone park, man how am i gonna fit all that in and still get my dailly rides in?? in only 4 days??
I'm taking the entire week after off and heading to the national parks .... Grand Teton, Yellow Stone, Mt. Rushmore, maybe Custer but probably heading over to Iowa to see friends and then home .... *maybe* with a stop at the dragon on the way in

Anyone that wants to join me in any part of that treck is more than welcome

As for the beers.... I can't recall the honey brown but its a local beer to Bellvue or Bellville or somethin like that up there and its yummy .... and about 5.5% alcohol
ok, I found it, the town is Belleville, about an hour north of toronto, off 401

man you gotta love the GPS mapping software
Ice cold brew, a clean motorcycle , and a large gathering of friends, Life just can't get any better...........
yah im bringing a whole whack load of beer, what kind do u guys like? sleemans, alexander keiths?? maybe ill bring a bottle of alberta's premium whiskey, oh man come on august!! cant hardly wait, the only thing is the more things i think of wanting to do, like white water rafting, going to six flags, checking out yellowstone park, man how am i gonna fit all that in and still get my dailly rides in?? in only 4 days?? [/QUOTE]

Any non-alcohol beer will do for me (Moosehead,Oduls amber etc.)  

WHen are you leaving Coppr Mt ? I'll be jettn out Mon morning headn up to Yellow Stone.

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I'm headin that way sunday afternoon/evening, stopping off at Grand Teton Natl. park on the way up Rhythm
I'm headin that way sunday afternoon/evening, stopping off at Grand Teton Natl. park on the way up Rhythm [/QUOTE]

Yellow Stone Park ?
Yep. My tentative plans are to leave Copper on Sunday afternoon, heading to Rock City WY, then up to Grand Teton for Monday afternoon and up to Yellow Stone for Tuesday day. Grand Teton is only 1hr or so from the southern entrance to Yellow Stone
Then leave Yellow Stone tuesday evening, stop off along the way to Mt. Rushmore for some sleep, get in to Mt Rushmore area Wed morning sometime and see the sights. Might even ride up to Sturgis. Then heading for Iowa on Thursday and back towards NC. I have a little wiggle room in the times for leaving yellow stone/mt. rushmore so its kinda play by ear once I get there, but need to be in Iowa for sure on Friday to visit with some friends for a day before heading back to NC. I'd also like to get home before Sunday night so I can recover a little from the 5+k mile trip