Your 1 stop post for all the info...

Yep. My tentative plans are to leave Copper on Sunday afternoon, heading to Rock City WY, then up to Grand Teton for Monday afternoon and up to Yellow Stone for Tuesday day. Grand Teton is only 1hr or so from the southern entrance to Yellow Stone Then leave Yellow Stone tuesday evening, stop off along the way to Mt. Rushmore for some sleep, get in to Mt Rushmore area Wed morning sometime and see the sights. Might even ride up to Sturgis. Then heading for Iowa on Thursday and back towards NC. I have a little wiggle room in the times for leaving yellow stone/mt. rushmore so its kinda play by ear once I get there, but need to be in Iowa for sure on Friday to visit with some friends for a day before heading back to NC. I'd also like to get home before Sunday night so I can recover a little from the 5+k mile trip [/QUOTE]

Easy for you too say, try doing it on two wheelz.
im gonna take the enclosed trailer! [/QUOTE]

Just rub it in KnotHead
Hey Rythm i'll be riding 2 wheel all the way also might be taking a trip back east ways also after cyclefest all depends on how the weather and if i'm done with my combineing and don't have to chop silage to soon after
at this point, my plans are fairly open... I actually have an extra day in the mix for "fun factor", white water rafting could be a blast

Not 100% sure if I'm trailering or putting the bike in the bed, but for sure making the majority of the trip on at least 4wheels
got any info on that Chev? Links, where or day you were thinkin?
<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>HTML </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><span style='color:#333333'></span>[/QUOTE]

thats one
<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>HTML </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><span style='color:#333333'></span>[/QUOTE]

thats another that i like
im up to suggestions too
sounds good
I'd think a half day trip might be the way to go, maybe Sunday if there's not much going with cyclefest or maybe Monday morning. this one sounds fun or maybe some real rafting with the other group.... I havent been but I hear the classes out there are like one step over the ones here on the east coast so maybe the II/III/IV range would be best.
yah it all sounds good! which one, man i need more time, like 2 weeks!! ah well we still have time to decide, lets see how many others would like to go
Not going to be able to join you on the rafting will be leaving Sunday afternoon at the latest. Need to be back here Sunday night.
I would possibly be up for the rafting sounds kinda fun but i never checked the info and would be a first tie for me
yeah, I havent been on any whitewater in so long and I've never been on any out west so put me in the first timer's bucket too

Once we get some more interested folks chimin in, we can see about which one to do
though that one inflatable kyack thing looked pretty sweet

~67 days to go .... dayum its getting close

Hey anyone taking Interstate 80 into denver or no? i may drop down for the caravan ride if there is some or not sure if i will go clear to rapid to join BusainSD or Do a cross crountry by myself
I have no clue how the group I'm travelin with is getting into Denver.... Haveta ask Moondog, he's leading the pack