yu gis nead to wurk on you\'re speling and gramar?!.

Gee talking about being Anal,the stock market took a hit today.I guess I better build a diving board on our second floor window area for all the people that lost money today. "A only Da Kine Hawaiian Brada can Speak Da Kine Pigen english only,if no like my english,no make fun or give the stink eye or else you might get broke S" the last line in this posting was for the Local Hawaiians to read only,everybody else ride safe.
Lots of very smart people can hardly write at all.

On these boards, the poorest writers are often the ones most worth listening to.

Albert Einstein said "I never met a man who didn't know more about something than me."

Albert's got a grammatical error in there, but I don't think it's too helpful or encouraging to crack the English teacher's whip at him.

[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 30 March 2000).]
DP, I was just giving the Cheeseman some grief because I know him personally and he needs some good ribbing the way he lays into Fassuzuki all the time. They work together and act like they are married or something. You are right about saying that someones writing skills has nothing to do with their intelligence or ability.
This will probably be met with flames but I have seen this mistake made on more than a few sites.

The mistake is the misuse of the words your and you're.

"You're" is two words that have been put together. It is used in places were you are could be used.
Example: Jamie you're an as.shole.

"Your" is used in situations were someone owns something.
Example: Jamie, your bike is a piece of shi.t.

I don't want to sound like a preacher here. If I do then I'm sorry. I just don't (do not) want you guys surfing around posting bad English. LOL.

In my youth I bounced from school to school and somewhere along the line I missed the spelling part of my education. I often misspell words, so there nobodys perfuct. :-)

You fellas want a laugh travel into York Pa sometime. The waitress will ask, "How many of yous are there." What you must understand is that in York County there is a plural form of you and it's yous. My skin crawls when they say it.

Also in my area they say stuff like, "The potato chips are all." It's PA dutch for "all gone."

I'll talk at yous guyz L8er,

[This message has been edited by Jamie (edited 30 March 2000).]
No slam intended on anyone in particular. But come on guys, this isn't a live chat room. I'll take the occasional typo but some of your postings are almost impossible to decrypt.

Just being anal today, my apologies. :)
I generally agree but there are several posters to whom English is a second language. I don't say anything because my Swedish is much worse.

I can get a beer, a men's room and a date with a very easy lady in Vietnamese and Italian. Only the essentials of life of course. So I tend to respect folks with good non-native language skills.

[This message has been edited by Lyle (edited 30 March 2000).]