Pics of my cracked head


Michelle owns my Busa
Staff member
Here's the previous thread where I found coolant in my #2 cylinder and pooled up on top of one of the intake valves.

Anywhooo - I took the head to get checked and it was confirmed that there's a leak/crack...not just one, but TWO!

The shop had to remove two valves to find them...

They used a red sharpie to circle the cracks - this pic is kinda hard to see, but the crack is visible in the middle of the circle... This is the exhaust valve:

And here's the intake valve (the one that had the coolant pooled up on it). The crack is very visible!

So, I'll be replacing the head in the next few days - hopefully this fixes my problem!
i hope this works bro
i know you are tired of taking it apart and putting it back together!!!

if you miss taking it apart next winter, give me a yell and i'll bring mine over
Wow!!! That isn't good!! Are they going to weld it up or are you going with a new cylinder head?