Gay day flu

Augered the only defination thatMatters is the one attributed by the state governments because they issue marriage licenses. Now I don't think there is any requierment to have kids in order to qualify for said license therefore the reason for marriage here is not procreation.

If marriage is only religious based then it would be unconstitutional for states to issue marriage licenses because it would violate seperation of church and state.
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thrasher you are the one that pointed out that nothing Pre dates Christianity not me. Are you changing your position? Either way America this country founded on the right to life, liberty and the prusuit of happiness. If that is to much for you to deal with then I am sure you can go elsewhere and form a good Christian Taliban. Me I'll take freedom instead.
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thrasher you are the one that pointed out that nothing Pre dates Christianity not me. Are you changing your position? Either way America this country founded on the right to life, liberty and the prusuit of happiness. If that is to much for you to deal with then I am sure you can go elsewhere and form a good Christian Taliban. Me I'll take freedom instead.
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I feel your freedom march is in moral decline..... (certainly the easiest way to march however)
Just for the record :poke:

In 1996, the United States Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman amongst other stipulations...
"really?? cause the new law sure is different from the old"

See, that is how I know you have no idea what you are talking about. It is obvious by that statement you know nothing about the bible, nothing about Jesus, and nothing about God. and don’t even try to convince me otherwise because I know you would be lying.
Jesus did not change any laws. He forced the issues of the laws set down by the previous prophets to re-enforce the fact that no one can abide by the law. it is not within human nature.

He did not do anything that was contradictory to the law.

So seriously, if you are going to get into an argument about religion at least be armed and know something about it.
thrasher you are the one that pointed out that nothing Pre dates Christianity not me. Are you changing your position? Either way America this country founded on the right to life, liberty and the prusuit of happiness. If that is to much for you to deal with then I am sure you can go elsewhere and form a good Christian Taliban. Me I'll take freedom instead.
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I am not changing my position. You probably just misunderstood whatever I wrote.
I've only read bits and pieces of this thread, but I'll throw my .02 in anyway..

My personal feeling about "calling in gay" is the dumbazzes should've been fired. Every stinkin one of 'em. I couldn't give a flyin faak what floats your boat in your personal has nothing to do with work, and has no place there.

You don't see us calling in " straight"..... Complete horsepucky.

As far as marriage is concerned.... there is no need for me to expound on it any more...from what I've seen, Thrasherfox has covered it quite well.

Marriage is from GOD. sjcurrence, if you want to spit hairs and say that the institution of marriage outdates "christianity"...go ahead, but nothing outdates God. Nothing. He inventedand created everything you see...including marriage.

You wanna be a rumpranger? Knock yourself out.. just don't expect the rest of us to look at your "union" as if it is the same as a marriage. Not gonna happen. I quite frankly don't care what laws are passed in the future, there will still be a large contingent of the population that believes as I do. I truly believe that this is but a sample of what is really wrong with our country...unfortunately, it does not seem to be improving.
Thrasher I think several million Hindus, Buddists, and athiests woud disagree but that aside you did not address the rights I mentioned attached to married couples. Also are you then saying only Christians should be aloud to marry?
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marriage has become law from God. Same as murder, or more than one wife. Who was the first to introduce marriage? God. Now it's become part of law. For the same reasons men cant marry men they also cant marry more than one woman.

Why arent people fighting the right to have more than one wife? If a man can marry a man than why cant I have more than one wife?
marriage has become law from God. Same as murder, or more than one wife. Who was the first to introduce marriage? God. Now it's become part of law. For the same reasons men cant marry men they also cant marry more than one woman.

Why arent people fighting the right to have more than one wife? If a man can marry a man than why cant I have more than one wife?

Never understood why anyone would want more than one...

I don't know about you brother, but I can barely afford the one I've got!:laugh:
thrasher you are the one that pointed out that nothing Pre dates Christianity not me. Are you changing your position? Either way America this country founded on the right to life, liberty and the prusuit of happiness. If that is to much for you to deal with then I am sure you can go elsewhere and form a good Christian Taliban. Me I'll take freedom instead.
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And if you want to bring up how this country was founded?

if some guy went up to one of our forefathers and said "hey, I want to be able to have sex with another guy and live out in the open and have all the rights that married people have"

What do you think would happen?

I am betting the guy would have got a bullet between his eyes.

I wouldnt condone that action, but those people back then were fricken hard core, they were not wishy washy people like a lot of people are these days. who want to stand on the fence so as to not offend anyone.

Back then they were men, men or principal and I am betting our forefathers would have been appalled, outraged and disgusted.

And I am also betting that they didn’t cover this stupid crap in the constitution because they probably could never have fathomed the country they loved so much would become so perverted. They probably could never imagined it would have EVER needed to be covered.
But in later years when it came up, our government did pas a law stating marriage is between a man and a woman.
if our forefathers had foreseen the homosexual issue I am pretty confident that would have done something about it.
Our forefathers were very much about freedom of individuals, they were about a person being able to live their lives without being forced to believe a certain way, and to worship as they like.
homosexuality advocates are forcing a minority concept onto the majority of people. Forcing me and my family to accept something that isn’t right. And our government is helping that.

Our forefathers would have been against that.

What’s happening now is the fudge-packers just keep pushing it and good men and women are getting worn down.
What is also happening is this corruption is entering our schools and brain washing our children, so when they grow up they wont have as much of an issue with it.
No matter how you look at it, homosexuality is ALL about sex, the bottom line is that it is about two guys likening a pen1s.

And that, no matter how you slice it is sexual perversion. And someone who is a sexual pervert should not have laws that give them any special privileges or rights.
And if you want to bring up how this country was founded?

if some guy went up to one of our forefathers and said "hey, I want to be able to have sex with another guy and live out in the open and have all the rights that married people have"

What do you think would happen?

I am betting the guy would have got a bullet between his eyes.

I wouldnt condone that action, but those people back then were fricken hard core, they were not wishy washy people like a lot of people are these days. who want to stand on the fence so as to not offend anyone.

Back then they were men, men or principal and I am betting our forefathers would have been appalled, outraged and disgusted.

And I am also betting that they didn’t cover this stupid crap in the constitution because they probably could never have fathomed the country they loved so much would become so perverted. They probably could never imagined it would have EVER needed to be covered.
But in later years when it came up, our government did pas a law stating marriage is between a man and a woman.
if our forefathers had foreseen the homosexual issue I am pretty confident that would have done something about it.
Our forefathers were very much about freedom of individuals, they were about a person being able to live their lives without being forced to believe a certain way, and to worship as they like.
homosexuality advocates are forcing a minority concept onto the majority of people. Forcing me and my family to accept something that isn’t right. And our government is helping that.

Our forefathers would have been against that.

What’s happening now is the fudge-packers just keep pushing it and good men and women are getting worn down.
What is also happening is this corruption is entering our schools and brain washing our children, so when they grow up they wont have as much of an issue with it.
No matter how you look at it, homosexuality is ALL about sex, the bottom line is that it is about two guys likening a pen1s.

And that, no matter how you slice it is sexual perversion. And someone who is a sexual pervert should not have laws that give them any special privileges or rights.

Well said.

Hmm guess what! ding ding ding. you win the prize..

Ok, all Christians reading this. pray that God will reveal himself to DEVLDOG in the only manner that will get his attention.

Just pray that and only that. do not add to it, do not take away from it, as many times as it is on your heart.

Not me either:laugh: God knew what he was doing when he said ONE:thumbsup:

You sure about that. Plural marriage is common in and throughout Christianity. Do you think you can find where God said it?
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You sure about that. Plural marriage is common in and throughout Christianity. Do you think you can find where God said it?
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The wives after the first wife are concubines which were second rank to the first wife.

I'll give you the passages and let you look it up yourself so you know I'm not making it up.

Mt 19:5-9
1 Cor. 7:2

there are others but these are the ones I chose to give you.
marriage has become law from God. Same as murder, or more than one wife. Who was the first to introduce marriage? God. Now it's become part of law. For the same reasons men cant marry men they also cant marry more than one woman.

Why arent people fighting the right to have more than one wife? If a man can marry a man than why cant I have more than one wife?

Are you crazy :rofl:
How very Christian of you. I respect the conviction in your faith but to sport a WWJD tag and then belittle the poorest of the poor seems a little hypotricital to me.

The Jesus I know would embrace the poor. The God I know has no use for political boarders.

Was that a DODGE? No retort for that?
lets try again:


Would someone ELSE please explain how pointing out CRIMINAL ACTIONS is "HYPOCRITICAL"? Cuz I'm not seeing it. Those "poor, poor" criminals. :laugh:

just tugging on another tangent! hahahahahaha

To summarize:

- Gays: just shut up about it and everyone WILL leave you alone. You have the same rights as everyone else

- SJ will always take the controversial side, just to keep it interesting. I really think he is PROJECKT in disguise... remember? He was looking for action.

- Everything, everything, and then everything ALWAYS relates back to the Bible. The only effective book to cure the world's CURRENT issues. That's just how it goes.. deal with it.

- "IGNORE" works very effectively :D