think its all just far fetched conspiracy's eh??


GM of Haya's in the Hills
Donating Member
thats right.....its in the open now....THEY ARE COMEING FOR YOUR GUNS!!!

NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

and dont excuse it away saying..."ohhh its ok they are on DANGEROUS meds"...or hide it in the back of your mind saying..."as long as its not me"...cause if you do...SHAME ON YOU....this is just the beginning...they are violateing doctor patent priviledge, 2nd, 4th, 5th amendment rights... HIPPA law...ect due process....WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!
You seem mad at us. What do you want us to do for it? Have an extra bash? I vote Libertarian every election...I try. trying to get the message out...because alot (not just here) are in denial....and this week senate is debateing and going to vote on the same type of rules that is allowing NY to cram it down their citizens throat...and we as americans are just sitting here in denial saying....ohh...its not going to happen...
It's a rough one. One mass shooting and people go off the deep end. Senate debating thats funny, I guess they don't call themselves master debaters for nothing.
the only thing were in denial about is letting every yahoo on earth access to a gun. owning and handling a gun takes just as much if not more responsibility then operating a car yet somehow getting a gun LEGALLY these days is far easier then getting a license to drive....:whistle:

the NRA is shooting itself in the foot by not totally backing CERTAIN changes that should be made. as a result the states are now shoving it down ppl's throats and saying F-U we will just start passing state restrictions which they have every right to do under the constitution. the Sandy Hook shooting opened the door and ppl want changes. I think most of the new changes are absolutely worthless tho.

so, if you want to whine about changes being made and them now being enforced point the finger at the moron who heads up the NRA.

you got crackpot jackasses walking into gun shows and walking out with a gun with no background or criminal or protective or restraining order check so he can can now go out and murder his wife or GF or co-worker or boss or whatever.....:whistle:
Gun Control - Just Facts

* "A gun show is an exhibition or gathering where guns, gun parts, ammunition, gun accessories, and literature are displayed, bought, sold, traded, and discussed."[90]

* Roughly 2,000-5,200 gun shows take place in the United States each year.[91]

* Gun shows "provide a venue for the sale and exchange of firearms by federal firearms licensees (FFLs).... Such shows also are a venue for private sellers who buy and sell firearms for their personal collections or as a hobby. In these situations, the sellers are not required to have a federal firearms license. Although federal firearms laws apply to both FFLs and private sellers at gun shows, private sellers, unlike FFLs, are under no legal obligation to ask purchasers whether they are legally eligible to buy guns or to verify purchasers' legal status through background checks...."[92]

* In the three-year period from October 2003 through September 2006, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) conducted 202 operations at 195 gun shows, leading to 121 arrests and 83 convictions (with some cases still pending as of June 2007).[93]

* A 1997 U.S. Justice Department survey of 14,285 state prison inmates found that among those inmates who carried a firearm during the offense for which they were sent to jail,0.7% obtained the firearm at a gun show , 1% at a flea market, 3.8% from a pawn shop, 8.3% from a retail store, 39.2% through an illegal/street source, and 39.6% through family or friends.[94]

again...where is this large level of crime commited by individuals selling to individuals that want to go kill a gun show?? its all about REGISTRATION/CONFISCATION AND CONTROL....when only the goverment says who is ok to own a get exactly what is happening due rights...just DENIAL OF RIGHTS...
I didn't read the entire article, however we can't say that we want people like Adam Lanza or whatever his name was without weapons and that the government should do more to protect us and then get pissed when they do. Whatever gets done needs to be constitutional but keeping people with issues and guns separate can't be all together bad in my mind. It sounded like his gun permit was revoked. I don't know what that means in NY. He can't carry, can't possess :dunno:
You all know what side of the gun control spectrum I'm on, but I'm sick and tired of all these who gives a crap websites trying to drum up hype over stuff. Sounds like reliable news, I'll bet the family farm....


I know things are happening, but if I believed everything I read, my Busa would have no second gear, my '05 Gsxr1000's frame would have broken in half, and my truck should have blown up by now....

There are times I hate the internet..
I think these gun free zones are part of the problem. If a cop or a person with a ccw goes to a school to pick up their kids their gun needs to be locked in the car. Now if an gun man comes in the government has done a great job making sure an off duty cop or ccw permit holder can't protect his kids.

I am not against the government trying to help but they have to pass good legislation not knee jerk ideas that are not only ineffective but protect the gun man.

This is a whole other can of worms about hit rates and background of your target and the fact that funny things happen to your aim when you are facing a deadly threat.

Maybe the gun men will think twice about shooting up malls and schools and theaters if they know their targets will send back several ounces of lead an a high speed.
Gun Control - Just Facts

* "A gun show is an exhibition or gathering where guns, gun parts, ammunition, gun accessories, and literature are displayed, bought, sold, traded, and discussed."[90]

* Roughly 2,000-5,200 gun shows take place in the United States each year.[91]

* Gun shows "provide a venue for the sale and exchange of firearms by federal firearms licensees (FFLs).... Such shows also are a venue for private sellers who buy and sell firearms for their personal collections or as a hobby. In these situations, the sellers are not required to have a federal firearms license. Although federal firearms laws apply to both FFLs and private sellers at gun shows, private sellers, unlike FFLs, are under no legal obligation to ask purchasers whether they are legally eligible to buy guns or to verify purchasers' legal status through background checks...."[92]

* In the three-year period from October 2003 through September 2006, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) conducted 202 operations at 195 gun shows, leading to 121 arrests and 83 convictions (with some cases still pending as of June 2007).[93]

* A 1997 U.S. Justice Department survey of 14,285 state prison inmates found that among those inmates who carried a firearm during the offense for which they were sent to jail,0.7% obtained the firearm at a gun show , 1% at a flea market, 3.8% from a pawn shop, 8.3% from a retail store, 39.2% through an illegal/street source, and 39.6% through family or friends.[94]

again...where is this large level of crime commited by individuals selling to individuals that want to go kill a gun show?? its all about REGISTRATION/CONFISCATION AND CONTROL....when only the goverment says who is ok to own a get exactly what is happening due rights...just DENIAL OF RIGHTS...

Thank you for posting this and saving me the time. It's stupid to think that the 43rd law for the Sandy Hook guy would have made all of the difference.
the only thing were in denial about is letting every yahoo on earth access to a gun. owning and handling a gun takes just as much if not more responsibility then operating a car yet somehow getting a gun LEGALLY these days is far easier then getting a license to drive....:whistle:

the NRA is shooting itself in the foot by not totally backing CERTAIN changes that should be made. as a result the states are now shoving it down ppl's throats and saying F-U we will just start passing state restrictions which they have every right to do under the constitution. the Sandy Hook shooting opened the door and ppl want changes. I think most of the new changes are absolutely worthless tho.

so, if you want to whine about changes being made and them now being enforced point the finger at the moron who heads up the NRA.

you got crackpot jackasses walking into gun shows and walking out with a gun with no background or criminal or protective or restraining order check so he can can now go out and murder his wife or GF or co-worker or boss or whatever.....:whistle:

I call BS....In Tennesee, every vendor there has to run a background check thru the system before they make a sale. You are confusing a private sale between two individuals, trying to name it the GUNSHOW LOOPHOLE when it's really the PRIVATE SALE LOOPHOLE, but it's easier to get the public to go along with it because of the way it's been identiifed. If you tried to close the 'Private Sale Loophole', a lot more people wouldn't go along with it, because it's personal business.

And, while I think the Private Sale "loophole" has put a lot of guns from the 'legal' side to the 'illegal' side of the the ledger, it's ALREADY AGAINST THE LAW to do so; the only way to make that law work is REGISTRATION, which has already been proved (and is being proved again today in NY) to be a step into CONFISCATION. I consider it the lesser of two evils to continue to allow private citizens to posess and sell firearms with other private citizens, given the laws already on the books that need to be utilized, than to ban these sales or create a public record that someday the goverment decides can be used against the citizenry. Don't say it can't happen, because it already has.

Again, we punish the majority of legal citizens who are not a threat to anyone, in order to hopefully get to those who already don't, and won't give a damn about all these 'laws' we are passing. In fact, it tickles them to death to think there are more unarmed victims in the future.

Brett, you talk a big talk right now, while you have that badge. How you gonna feel the day you don't, and you are now on the "you aren't good/smart/responsible enough to possess a gun" side of the equation? I understand why you'd like to see tighter controls, as you are faced daily with the repercussions guns being used illegally. However, I'd say perspective changes a lot of things....

I think we are going to see some firefights when LE starts going out and trying to take these guns away. I reallllly hate to see this happen.
so I dont often get into these discussions but ...

I think there are those in government that will not rest until every American is unarmed
I think there are those in government that absolutely want to change the Bill of Rights
I think there are those in government that will always use unfortunate/sad/bad events to drive their agenda, even when such events are not the norm.
I think there are those in government that think they know better than the public does for what is right and wrong, even going so far as to suggest we as individuals cannot make decisions correctly.

That said, there was a time when I would say that I thought those types of folks were mostly in ultra liberal states/areas like Cali and NY.
There was a time when I would say that those types of folks were not the norm in our government and that our "leaders" were still driving forwards on the American dream.

Sadly I think the numbers of folks in "leadership" roles are more likely to be in the first 4 points and less like the last two. I fear these folks are showing up in far more places than just NY and Cali. I fear these types of folks will set precedents, they will get others like them into SCOTUS and other places in the judicial system. I fear they will do what they can to substantively change our country.

I agree there are probably some changes that should be invoked to make acquiring guns legally better. I'm not sure how much truth is in this article but there certainly are ways to track down the sources. The facts are that you are not likely to see this story in main stream media because they have their own agenda, gun control is part of it.

The biggest fear I have though, is that the democratic process is broken. There are proven, documented cases of voter fraud. There are proven, documented cases where folks were forcibly taken to polling stations and told to vote. One can only assume they were offered suggestions on who to vote for. Folks spend too much time getting their information from places with slants....and every place slants it one way or the other. They vote for people or things that they recognize or relate to rather than making sure they know the facts of what they are voting for....and thats not just people that's also legislative folks voting for pork laced bills. I dont know if people are too lazy or too stupid to take the time to figure things out.

Things that make me think we are sliding sideways down the wrong path?
Why is it that you can vote without any official identification but you cannot cash your checks without one (even welfare ones).
Why is it that its ok for one group of people to say another group is being "racist" but not ok with the reverse situation.
Why is it OK that we continue to elect leader that lead from behind instead of leading from the front? For example, states must pass budgets to get federal monies yet the federal govt has yet to pass a budget during the current administration showing they can afford to give those states the money.

Goes beyond the 2A issues for me, this is the most visible for some but make no mistake there are certainly those in government that would like to see the Bill of Rights changed completely. In time if people continue to turn a blind eye it will happen, perhaps in our lifetime, certainly within our kids.
oh and PS if they would spend half as much attention enforcing the existing gun laws in the country, half as much time dealing with the illegal guns as they do with trying to take away legal guns we would not see places like Chicago who have the worst legal gun laws (most oppressive) and the highest murder rates. VP Biden publicly admitted they do not have the resource to enforce existing laws....why the hell do they think adding more will make it better? Do they suddenly plan to enforce all of them? :banghead:
There are simply too many voting idiots who think taking away guns from the public somehow makes them safer.
Nevermind Chicago, or Australia, nothing to learn from there.
The U.S as we know know it is on it's way out, and it's not good...newsflash huh.
I call BS....In Tennesee, every vendor there has to run a background check thru the system before they make a sale. You are confusing a private sale between two individuals, trying to name it the GUNSHOW LOOPHOLE when it's really the PRIVATE SALE LOOPHOLE, but it's easier to get the public to go along with it because of the way it's been identiifed. If you tried to close the 'Private Sale Loophole', a lot more people wouldn't go along with it, because it's personal business.

And, while I think the Private Sale "loophole" has put a lot of guns from the 'legal' side to the 'illegal' side of the the ledger, it's ALREADY AGAINST THE LAW to do so; the only way to make that law work is REGISTRATION, which has already been proved (and is being proved again today in NY) to be a step into CONFISCATION. I consider it the lesser of two evils to continue to allow private citizens to posess and sell firearms with other private citizens, given the laws already on the books that need to be utilized, than to ban these sales or create a public record that someday the goverment decides can be used against the citizenry. Don't say it can't happen, because it already has.

Again, we punish the majority of legal citizens who are not a threat to anyone, in order to hopefully get to those who already don't, and won't give a damn about all these 'laws' we are passing. In fact, it tickles them to death to think there are more unarmed victims in the future.

Brett, you talk a big talk right now, while you have that badge. How you gonna feel the day you don't, and you are now on the "you aren't good/smart/responsible enough to possess a gun" side of the equation? I understand why you'd like to see tighter controls, as you are faced daily with the repercussions guns being used illegally. However, I'd say perspective changes a lot of things....

I think we are going to see some firefights when LE starts going out and trying to take these guns away. I reallllly hate to see this happen.
u can call it whatever u want but gun show sales and straw sales are a huge loophole. if u think all those ppl at gun shows adhere to the regulations when selling guns ur just fooling urself. most of the time the identification they use isnt even real. u think the guy selling the gun cares? no he absolutely doesnt. he just puts some guys name thru and if it comes up clean he is out the door. such a joke.

I dont need to talk big. ill have the badge for the rest of my life and be able to carry under HR218 whether working or retired. I passed a background check and have no felony record nor do I have any protective or restraining orders out against me. and the same will follow for the rest of my life. can you say the same for thousands of jackasses getting guns these days? no u cant!

im not saying take EVERYONES guns shud b takn away from them. im sayn tighter controls are a must. and saying registration is confiscation is rediculous. so does that mean we shouldnt register our cars now cause the police may actually know where to find me when my car is used in a crime or a hit and run? ???

our system doesnt work. that is a fact. 12000 murders a year must be one of them "loopholes" I guess in the statistics....:whistle:
oh and PS if they would spend half as much attention enforcing the existing gun laws in the country, half as much time dealing with the illegal guns as they do with trying to take away legal guns we would not see places like Chicago who have the worst legal gun laws (most oppressive) and the highest murder rates. VP Biden publicly admitted they do not have the resource to enforce existing laws....why the hell do they think adding more will make it better? Do they suddenly plan to enforce all of them? :banghead:

An unarmed public is much easier to deal with when they riot against the rest of the changes planned for this country.:beerchug:
u can call it whatever u want but gun show sales and straw sales are a huge loophole. if u think all those ppl at gun shows adhere to the regulations when selling guns ur just fooling urself. most of the time the identification they use isnt even real. u think the guy selling the gun cares? no he absolutely doesnt. he just puts some guys name thru and if it comes up clean he is out the door. such a joke.

I dont need to talk big. ill have the badge for the rest of my life and be able to carry under HR218 whether working or retired. I passed a background check and have no felony record nor do I have any protective or restraining orders out against me. and the same will follow for the rest of my life. can you say the same for thousands of jackasses getting guns these days? no u cant!

im not saying take EVERYONES guns shud b takn away from them. im sayn tighter controls are a must. and saying registration is confiscation is rediculous. so does that mean we shouldnt register our cars now cause the police may actually know where to find me when my car is used in a crime or a hit and run? ???

our system doesnt work. that is a fact. 12000 murders a year must be one of them "loopholes" I guess in the statistics....:whistle:
You know dayum well criminals don't register their cars to their address or give jailers their current address when arrested :laugh:
Gun free zones work people...Here is the proof. I am sick of people saying they do nothing or are useless. 3 minute video show just a couple examples... Wake up people
free Zones work[/URL]
u can call it whatever u want but gun show sales and straw sales are a huge loophole. if u think all those ppl at gun shows adhere to the regulations when selling guns ur just fooling urself. most of the time the identification they use isnt even real. u think the guy selling the gun cares? no he absolutely doesnt. he just puts some guys name thru and if it comes up clean he is out the door. such a joke.

I dont need to talk big. ill have the badge for the rest of my life and be able to carry under HR218 whether working or retired. I passed a background check and have no felony record nor do I have any protective or restraining orders out against me. and the same will follow for the rest of my life. can you say the same for thousands of jackasses getting guns these days? no u cant!

im not saying take EVERYONES guns shud b takn away from them. im sayn tighter controls are a must. and saying registration is confiscation is rediculous. so does that mean we shouldnt register our cars now cause the police may actually know where to find me when my car is used in a crime or a hit and run? ???

our system doesnt work. that is a fact. 12000 murders a year must be one of them "loopholes" I guess in the statistics....:whistle:

Certainly I worry about the thousands that are BREAKING CURRENT LAWS ON THE BOOKS WITHOUT PUNISHMENT, but I'll choose the MILLIONS WHO ARE NOT every day of the week.....

You have now revealed yourself. It seems you DO consider yourself better than the normal population. You think that your 'special' status as LEO entitles you to have the privilege not given to others after you retire? Guess what, when they take away your right, will you still think it's a good idea? You think soldiers who served in defense of their nation - longer than you've had your badge - both in peacetime and in war, who USED their weapons even more than you, also should carry the same right after THEY leave the service? Guess what, they don't either. Take yourself off your "special" status for a moment and reconsider....

Guess what? Just because YOU passed a background check, have no felony/protective/restraining/orders does NOT make you any more special than any other CITIZEN that does the same. I had a freaking SECURITY CLEARANCE, but that doesn't mean squat. Yet, by the stroke of a pen, these laws make those same Citizens FELONS OVERNIGHT in some of these states. What happens when all the stuff you listed above doesn't matter? Will you then protest the laws when they come after YOU? Because by then Brett, it will be too late...

Every private gun sale I've made, I made a bill of sale, reviewed the driver's license of the buyer and retain that info TO THIS DAY. I made the best judgement I could when selling, because I don't ever want a finger pointed at me. However, I am NOT responsible for the buyer, HE is. You are blind as a bat if you don't think registration equals confiscation, when history is repleat with examples.

You know dayum well criminals don't register their cars to their address or give jailers their current address when arrested :laugh:

Bizarre that were admitting ssri drugs are dangerous, yet instead if trying to solve that problem we disarm the people on them....