u can call it whatever u want but gun show sales and straw sales are a huge loophole. if u think all those ppl at gun shows adhere to the regulations when selling guns ur just fooling urself. most of the time the identification they use isnt even real. u think the guy selling the gun cares? no he absolutely doesnt. he just puts some guys name thru and if it comes up clean he is out the door. such a joke.
I dont need to talk big. ill have the badge for the rest of my life and be able to carry under HR218 whether working or retired. I passed a background check and have no felony record nor do I have any protective or restraining orders out against me. and the same will follow for the rest of my life. can you say the same for thousands of jackasses getting guns these days? no u cant!
im not saying take EVERYONES guns shud b takn away from them. im sayn tighter controls are a must. and saying registration is confiscation is rediculous. so does that mean we shouldnt register our cars now cause the police may actually know where to find me when my car is used in a crime or a hit and run? ???
our system doesnt work. that is a fact. 12000 murders a year must be one of them "loopholes" I guess in the statistics....![]()
GNBRETT once again you don't know what you are talking about. Do you have any idea what someone goes through with an FFL. The ATF is very strict in the records these people must keep. Have you ever filled out a form to purchase a firearm. There are some what most people would call silly questions on there such as are you a fugitive. The reason they ask them is if you lie you are in deep trouble. If a holder of an FFL doesn't keep meticulous records they will loose their license. Talk to someone who has an FFL and see what they say before you say they don't care who they sell a gun to. The only way you can buy a firearm without a back ground check is through a private sale. The problem with the law they want to pass is they want to make it if I want to leave my firearms to my son there would have to be a back ground check first.
So now that we see NY confiscating cards and guns how many people do you think will not seek medical help for conditions they have... We just drove those mentally unstable people further into the dark, they will never seek medical help, they will never take a prescription for certain drugs.. Sounds like a perfect plan doesn't it.
Just creating the future Zombie population is what they are doing Capt.![]()
I'm not one who belives the "zombie appocolypse" is coming; but, considering that it wouldn't take much more than a strain of rabies with no readily available vaccine, it could happen.
Intentionally infect a city(s), sit back and wait. The population would drop significantly in a short period of time.
And in NY, only the criminals with guns who aren't infected will survive!
But our wonderful government would never do such a thing. Ha! I wouldn't put anything past those s.o.b's.
Not bizarre when you understand what they true, ulitmate goal really is...
of course they do! criminals always tell the truth.You know dayum well criminals don't register their cars to their address or give jailers their current address when arrested![]()
ur not even close in ur thinking. I will have to qualify with my gun every year with a criminal, restraining order and protective order check being conducted to verify if I am still eligible to carry a firearm.Certainly I worry about the thousands that are BREAKING CURRENT LAWS ON THE BOOKS WITHOUT PUNISHMENT, but I'll choose the MILLIONS WHO ARE NOT every day of the week.....
You have now revealed yourself. It seems you DO consider yourself better than the normal population. You think that your 'special' status as LEO entitles you to have the privilege not given to others after you retire? Guess what, when they take away your right, will you still think it's a good idea? You think soldiers who served in defense of their nation - longer than you've had your badge - both in peacetime and in war, who USED their weapons even more than you, also should carry the same right after THEY leave the service? Guess what, they don't either. Take yourself off your "special" status for a moment and reconsider....
Guess what? Just because YOU passed a background check, have no felony/protective/restraining/orders does NOT make you any more special than any other CITIZEN that does the same. I had a freaking SECURITY CLEARANCE, but that doesn't mean squat. Yet, by the stroke of a pen, these laws make those same Citizens FELONS OVERNIGHT in some of these states. What happens when all the stuff you listed above doesn't matter? Will you then protest the laws when they come after YOU? Because by then Brett, it will be too late...
Every private gun sale I've made, I made a bill of sale, reviewed the driver's license of the buyer and retain that info TO THIS DAY. I made the best judgement I could when selling, because I don't ever want a finger pointed at me. However, I am NOT responsible for the buyer, HE is. You are blind as a bat if you don't think registration equals confiscation, when history is repleat with examples.