Don’t know why really other than my (winter) range is an indoor range 40 miles away. That’s why I’m a member though due to the nearby (muddy) outdoor range during winter. I had to have a PET scan at the hospital coincidentally…40 miles away, sorta like an MRI so I brought along my .40 Smith and my .45 Colt. I had to renew my membership anyway so I went shootin after. Just four mags in the 1911 and three in the lil 3” M&P Shield. It’s a real handful with a .40 bite in such a small pistol. The torso hits are the .40. All head shots are the .45. Distance was 15 yards. These were quick shots, not quite point shooting, a lil more aiming but shooting fast, dropping the empty mags with one still in the pipe then continue shooting till empty. I always count my shots. As you can see I shoot the big Colt 1911 much better than the tiny S&W. When I start shooting I tend to pull left too. It gets straightened out pretty quickly though. I’m a right hand left eye shooter BTW. Anyone else?