It’s been months since I went to the range


Don’t know why really other than my (winter) range is an indoor range 40 miles away. That’s why I’m a member though due to the nearby (muddy) outdoor range during winter. I had to have a PET scan at the hospital coincidentally…40 miles away, sorta like an MRI so I brought along my .40 Smith and my .45 Colt. I had to renew my membership anyway so I went shootin after. Just four mags in the 1911 and three in the lil 3” M&P Shield. It’s a real handful with a .40 bite in such a small pistol. The torso hits are the .40. All head shots are the .45. Distance was 15 yards. These were quick shots, not quite point shooting, a lil more aiming but shooting fast, dropping the empty mags with one still in the pipe then continue shooting till empty. I always count my shots. As you can see I shoot the big Colt 1911 much better than the tiny S&W. When I start shooting I tend to pull left too. It gets straightened out pretty quickly though. I’m a right hand left eye shooter BTW. Anyone else?

Don’t know why really other than my (winter) range is an indoor range 40 miles away. That’s why I’m a member though due to the nearby (muddy) outdoor range during winter. I had to have a PET scan at the hospital coincidentally…40 miles away, sorta like an MRI so I brought along my .40 Smith and my .45 Colt. I had to renew my membership anyway so I went shootin after. Just four mags in the 1911 and three in the lil 3” M&P Shield. It’s a real handful with a .40 bite in such a small pistol. The torso hits are the .40. All head shots are the .45. Distance was 15 yards. These were quick shots, not quite point shooting, a lil more aiming but shooting fast, dropping the empty mags with one still in the pipe then continue shooting till empty. I always count my shots. As you can see I shoot the big Colt 1911 much better than the tiny S&W. When I start shooting I tend to pull left too. It gets straightened out pretty quickly though. I’m a right hand left eye shooter BTW. Anyone else?

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It's been years since I've went to the range and even longer since I've shot a handgun......

Honestly, I don't even miss it or really think about it.

The most important shots with a self defense handgun is the first one.....and it looks like you have that down pat.
I have lot of deer on my property all the time and I am allowed to shoot on my property.

Had an interesting discussion with NC Wildlife:

Me: “Can I hunt deer in my backyard?”

Ranger: “Yes, you don’t need tags, but it has to be in deer hunting season and you need to send in your harvest information.”

Me: “What if they are destroying the plants in my yard?”

Ranger: “Then you can shoot them any time.”

LOL, problem is I became soft, no longer the heart to kill anything. Besides what Red thinks about the Palestinians and me.

I have lot of deer on my property all the time and I am allowed to shoot on my property.

Had an interesting discussion with NC Wildlife:

Me: “Can I hunt deer in my backyard?”

Ranger: “Yes, you don’t need tags, but it has to be in deer hunting season and you need to send in your harvest information.”

Me: “What if they are destroying the plants in my yard?”

Ranger: “Then you can shoot them any time.”

LOL, problem is I became soft, no longer the heart to kill anything. Besides what Red thinks about the Palestinians and me.

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That's quite a herd you are getting there......

I'm sure someone around you is hunting them though right?

I'm of the same feelings, I no longer have the desire to kill anything even for meat........I would if I had to but prefer not to.....

What YOU talkin’ about Willis ~ much too busy giving Ted a hard time in the political threads ~ he does have a name •
That's quite a herd you are getting there......

I'm sure someone around you is hunting them though right?

I'm of the same feelings, I no longer have the desire to kill anything even for meat........I would if I had to but prefer not to.....
NC hunting is really well managed. Permits, bag limits, seasons, tagging etc.

I don’t believe any of my neighbors will hunt on their own properties. The reason I shoot target with a silencer, out of respect for the neighbors.

The disadvantages are a whole lot of road accidents, with deer involved.

My wife totaled a brand new Mercedes.

I have had a few close calls on the Busa.
NC hunting is really well managed. Permits, bag limits, seasons, tagging etc.

I don’t believe any of my neighbors will hunt on their own properties. The reason I shoot target with a silencer, out of respect for the neighbors.

The disadvantages are a whole lot of road accidents, with deer involved.

My wife totaled a brand new Mercedes.

I have had a few close calls on the Busa.
I had an acquaintance who lived on a large property and had all kinds of critters coming near his house and he was a big time hunter but like yourself, he wouldn't shoot anything near his house.....he had around 200 acres and would hunt on it but none near his house.....

He enjoyed seeing them come in and graze and hang out......he even went so far as to watch them closely and if he saw one limping or anything, he'd hit it with a paint ball marker and when he was hunting, he'd target these ones first....

I remember visiting him one time and there was a big flock of turkeys and a herd of deer wandering around near his was kind of surreal....

He said his brother in a similar situation living on a large property has no issues of shooting something right from his deck.......he often has a few deer hanging in a shed he built specifically for this purpose....he even said one time he was visiting his brother and they were the only two home when his brother opened up the living room sliding door and shot a deer right near his bird feeder.....without even leaving the living room.....