08-busa project

I thought I would update this thread. All of the parts are now in to turn this once gentle young man into a beast that we hope to run some pretty decent numbers on the Land Speed circuit with and elsewhere this year. Having personally gone 213.7 MPH at 220lbs with a similiar set-up on a less aerodynamic bike this thing should fly. Only parts not in the photo are the LW wheels and 4" cheater arm and custom drag seat. :cheerleader:

Now that looks like the "ultimate Christmas wish list"... don't know that I've been good enough to qualify for that list :poke: (I do have 11 months to work on it though :thumbsup:)

Question: Is that R-55 available on the Yosh website, or do you guys sell it, or what??? (Doesn't have to be black)
Now that looks like the "ultimate Christmas wish list"... don't know that I've been good enough to qualify for that list :poke: (I do have 11 months to work on it though :thumbsup:)

Question: Is that R-55 available on the Yosh website, or do you guys sell it, or what??? (Doesn't have to be black)
we have a few in stock just call...
we have a few in stock just call...

Sweet... I think you guys deal with Brocks as well... can you tell me how the R-55 system compares to the Brocks Short Meg system... is one better than the other as far as power gains or performance ???
Sweet... I think you guys deal with Brocks as well... can you tell me how the R-55 system compares to the Brocks Short Meg system... is one better than the other as far as power gains or performance ???
No comparision testing has been done by me. I do like the look of the yoshi and we will see if it holds back power at all. I doubt it.

You may want to start your own thread asking that question to anyone else. May get a better response. I have tuned several with the SMEG on stock 08 Busa's none with the R-55 as of yet.
Ok moving forward on this project. Did a little hand porting today just to clean up intake/exhaust nothing major as everyone states the Gen II head looks very good.



It will be there with the two other bikes. Should have a good time. We will run better than 180 for sure.

:rofl: ....I sure hope so!

I'd think you would run 210+ but don't know how big the rider is. I'll have a few changes for my documentary so I should run better than 182 also... :whistle:
:rofl: ....I sure hope so!

I'd think you would run 210+ but don't know how big the rider is. I'll have a few changes for my documentary so I should run better than 182 also... :whistle:
Its a NOS bike so we will see...for sure in 60 days.
You guys shooting for the Nitrous record at Texas with this bike...?
Just having fun....however fast the two NOS bikes go, they go. :beerchug: We will have a 1450 NOS 14 and a 1441 NOS Hayabusa...both slammed stretched 2" and ready to go.
At Texas I'm guessing it's your 213 run but that's a little off the 228.803 Nitrous record set by Guy at Maxton. Maybe I should have been more clear. Are you going for the 228 record or just wanting to break the Texas record held by you or did Ace Performance run 216? I can't remember if that was with spray or not... :beerchug:

I look forward to seeing the bike run. It should freak'n fly with those mods... :thumbsup:
At Texas I'm guessing it's your 213 run but that's a little off the 228.803 Nitrous record set by Guy at Maxton. Maybe I should have been more clear. Are you going for the 228 record or just wanting to break the Texas record held by you or did Ace Performance run 216? I can't remember if that was with spray or not... :beerchug:

I look forward to seeing the bike run. It should freak'n fly with those mods... :thumbsup:
If I would have had one of the Millhounds at the last event 100lbs lighter than I with great skill, based our other runs we could have gone 220's easy. We are only limited by our budget. Over time we will get faster and faster, the is only year three coming up. Right now I am averaging 6-8 MPH a year. This bike will run very well. We will see in 60 days or so.
Meant to say this is only our third year coming up. Trying to catch up to the guys that have been running for the last 5-10-15 won't be easy.
Cool! I'm no jockey either so I understand you can't just jump on and run 2xx with ____ mods. People don't realize it's a little tougher than that... :laugh:
I am working on this project in between jobs and I am slammed sorry for the delay. I finished installing the APE big-bore 1441 kit with Web big intake cam along with the hand ported head. I also mounted up the headers. Now for the series of bolt ons and electronics..




Brand new and naked. Looks very nice. Pardon the newbness here but does the header come ceramic coated stock?

You should see the header on my 14. EEEEeew.
