08 Stolen today

Don't worry about it just contact your insurance company quickly, your bike being taken from a federal building will help you out. Things like this are what make the insurance worth it. People are always going to steal bikes so just be prepared and sounds like you are
Damn, I hate thieves. It's a crying a$$ shame we can't ride our bikes to work and leave them in a parking lot with worry of it coming up missing. However, Parking lots are a prime place to loose your busa. Apartment parking lots are at the top of the list as well.

One of my friends had his wife's brand new R6 lifted at the hospital parking lot where she worked. Folks watched the rental truck pull up, two guys got out, lifted the bike into the truck and was out of the lot within seconds. The truck had no plate and the bike hasn't been seen since.

Sadly, we have to be careful where we leave a bike, especially a busa. Personally, I never leave mine anywhere I can't see it for more than 10 minutes other than hotel/motels where I may stay overnight on a trip. Even then, I carefully choose where I stay. Small towns with only on hotel/motel with parking in back away from view of the street where I can get a ground floor room and park the bike outside the window is preferable. Anyone can loose a bike to thieves but using your head can give you better odds of hanging on to it!
I just searched all Craigslist ads in Texas and Louisiana, nothing. Very sorry bro.
That really sucks. A good enough thief can get anything, anywhere, but not so much as a chirp out of the alarm?! I think I'de be as upset about that as losing the bike! I hope they find it in one piece or the insurance doesn't leave you short on their payout
I also just searched fleabay, only 1 blue busa for sale within 2000 miles of Houston.
Dude, that blows!! You had the custom painted inner panels, those are rare. So I will keep my eye out here in Austin if I see one running around. If they don't find it and they do get you a new one, you can shoot from one of the new colors styles for 2010. I hope it works out and they find it or you get your new bike.
Nothing new to report, except it has been one $h!tty day thinking about this whole thing. Talked to the Claims adjuster and if all goes well I should get a check in 3 weeks, his thought is that the bike is in pieces already or south of the border. Also was told that my alarm was most likely turned off by the thief/thieves using an FM transmitter similar to the one the bastards use to defeat garage door openers. He also said that Lojack isn't theft proof either.
Man, that's my worst nightmare...I got brave once and took mine to go see a movie last summer after work...I couldn't even enjoy the movie because all I could think about is my '08 in the parking lot (blue/gold just like the OP's by the way). Luckily it wasn't bothered, but never again...
I have a blue/gold too and one time i parked it in a lot on front of Kroger in TN. When i came out I was a white tacoma/titan with the taigate down and 4 guys sitting in the truck with it running right in front on my bike. When i got closer to by bike, I pulled my helmet out. They apparently saw it and bolted. They were lucky.... I would have still had 12 rounds left.
That sucks....sounds like everything is going to work out to your benefit though, one way or another.
OK guys, put the think caps on, your ole Uncle Jim here has a question for ya! Almost every respondant to this thread said something to the effect, "hope they catch the thieves", etc.. But seriously, what would the law do IF they were caught? A sick society we live in lads.........you know and I know AND the thieves know that all they'll get is a slap on the wrist and let go! Those scum bags know that they can soon be back at it, stealing again. As stated somewhere back up towards the beginning of this thread was mentioned that they used to hang horse thieves. The backbone of this supposed great nation of ours has turned to jello! The current leaders of this once proud and strong nation of ours SUCK!! What can we do about it? Nothing.................it's too late! Sorry for venting guys, but I'm 65 and I know how it once was!! Most you guys are 'heads up' and great people, but I and most of my generation fear for your future.
OK, OK, I'm done!
That's one good thing about a 'busa it ain't a two man lift..... She is broad as she is wide. :poke: good for you.

I have a blue/gold too and one time i parked it in a lot on front of Kroger in TN. When i came out I was a white tacoma/titan with the taigate down and 4 guys sitting in the truck with it running right in front on my bike. When i got closer to by bike, I pulled my helmet out. They apparently saw it and bolted. They were lucky.... I would have still had 12 rounds left.
Spoke to the insurance agent and THANK GOD!!! I have 100% replacement and $5000 for accessories (have to provide receipts which I have all, even every fuel receipt). Agent says as soon as Claim Adjuster calls I get a rental car whether I need it or not, get it as it will speed up the claim. Who knows? My main question was about replacement which he said they will replace it with a brand new Busa. This is a first for me so I will keep everyone posted as to how this goes.[/QUOTE

Sorry for your loss I have had the same thing happen to me it is a feeling you can't describe. You are heartbroken.

Did you have to add the 100% replacement to your insur?
I didn't have that they just paid it off.
Thanks you guys for the kind words, I really appreciate it. It's starting to sink in that she's gone.

Damn! A sweet Blue & Black sister w/ nice mods has been stolen! :banghead:

Makes me sad too *sniff* *sniff*

Sorry bro...hope it all works out for you. Thieves should be :firing:
Tak I couldn't have said it better.

That was a super nice/clean looking Busa. They always look best when left stock with a few nice upgrades like that one. By the way, where did you get those painted upper side fairing panels? Those look incredible, just noticed that.
I have a blue/gold too and one time i parked it in a lot on front of Kroger in TN. When i came out I was a white tacoma/titan with the taigate down and 4 guys sitting in the truck with it running right in front on my bike. When i got closer to by bike, I pulled my helmet out. They apparently saw it and bolted. They were lucky.... I would have still had 12 rounds left.

I might have sat back...and waited...