The suspension bridge that resembles the Golden Gate Bridge is the start of the Oroville Quincy Highway, super fun ride up and over the range, zero traffic, it goes, and goes, and goes.
Lake Oroville at the bottom left, note Paradise at the middle-left, the site of the 2018 Camp Fire. We used to run through there with tours, but since the fire, haven't been back since. The entire town burned down & 85 people died in the wildfire when the fire spread so fast, people couldn't escape the firestorm & 18,000 structures, homes, businesses were destroyed.
The 2018 Camp Fire was regarded as the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California's history, and the most expensive natural disaster in the world in 2018.
My brother does Search & Rescue and he & his team helped out with searching for bodies, life-changing experience he said. Nope. Not for me.