2025 Pashnit Touring on a Hayabusa

How cool is this place. I didn't see another person the entire time I was checking this place out.





How many telescopes are there? I dunno. A whole bunch. The telescopes are currently being used to monitor 5,000 different radio sources, many of which are active supermassive black holes at the center of giant galaxies. The telescopes are used to discover gravitational lensing at radio wavelengths and no, I have idea what any of that means.

The telescopes are also combined with other arrays on other parts of the earth and all pointed at the same thing, being one part of a world-wide array of antennas to study the structure of distant galaxies and quasars.

It's a 400-mile day, onward!


Elevations here are over 6000 ft, but I'm below the snow line, for now.


See the mountain in the distance, there was a tungsten mine that carved out the insides of the mountain.

The Union Carbide Tungsten Mine began operation in 1937 and operated through 1990. Tungsten is a heavy metal used to make things harder, it is super dense and almost impossible to melt. Tungsten is used in hardening drill bits, munitions and heavily used in light bulb filaments since its melting point is well above 6000 degrees. More than 400 people once worked at this mine and were housed at Rovana and Bishop. The Union Carbide Tungsten mine was known as an upside down mine. Tunnels at the base of the Sierra Nevada went 2-1/2 miles straight level into the mountain range and then extended upwards. Elevators lifted the miners up 2700 feet, literally into the center of the mountain, then pulling the ore down, rather than tunneling deep into the earth like most gold mines in the Sierra Foothill Mother Lode regions.

Ore was then dropped into vertical shafts over 1400 feet high where the rock tumbled down a hole deeper than the Empire State Building is tall. The ore was then processed to extract the tungsten which resembles a white sugary substance when refined. By1942, The Pine Creek Mine was the largest producer of tungsten in the United States. Currently, the Pine Creek Mine is attempting to reinvent itself as a hydroelectric source, generating power from the water that accumulates inside the mine and has been battling the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for 20 years.

In case you like your history like I do...


Along this route are dead end roads that head off into all the canyons of the range - I wonder where this goes?


I didn't get far - I'll be back here in the fall, maybe I'll see how far the pavement lasts then when there's less snow.

This road, McGee Creek Rd, goes up to a trailhead & pack station and then ends.

Mammoth Airport at 7136 ft in elevation - see the Lear jet?

See anything else interesting? You'd never know it, but there's a super cool site behind the buildings, the Hot Creek Geologic Site.


Hot Creek Geologic site, Too much snow to get back here this early in the year, but I'll check this place out later in the rise season. Super cool


The creek is boiling
