3 wheelers are gay ...lol

Women on trikes can be a plus on any ride , they always seem to bring some nice snacks.

I'll tell what's gay...here in Canada they make Polaris Slingshot drivers wear helmets....the thing has doors.....

Same here in parts of the US. Here in Georgia, its classified as a motorcycle since it is an open cockpit vehicle. Helmet is required. In any sense, I'll always wear my helmet when I'm on my bike.
Same here in parts of the US. Here in Georgia, its classified as a motorcycle since it is an open cockpit vehicle. Helmet is required. In any sense, I'll always wear my helmet when I'm on my bike.
I always wear full gear and helmet as well however the Slingshot is basically a 3 wheeled car-I don't get the helmet in that...I saw one with windshield wipers even.
First off two wheels in front is a car. Trikes have wheels in the back. ;).

A trike is a trike is a trike. Three wheels define it. I ‘drove’ one that had a steering wheel and no helmet was required even in California. It was hard to get into and out of and seemed to have the worst attributes of a car and a motorcycle. They take up a car sized parking space and you can’t lane split either. I’ve got nothing against them but if I can’t ride a motorcycle anymore I won’t switch to a trike.
I also love that movie , really a crazy time in US drug history depicted .
I love that movie too! I must have seen it about 5 times. I like the character and since he lived at the end I had hoped they would make a sequel. I guess not...
You don't have to do this!