650ib seems like quite a guy...

YouTube can be fun, entertaining and informative, but what I see and hear I take with a grain of salt anyway (especially in my old job as a Fed when I was regularly called a "white c#@t" simply for keeping the country safe, before I quit and joined the Army instead. It's all water off a duck's back.
Same goes with Insta-attention and Face-ache (among others). ...they're mostly (altbough not all) just youngsters looking for attention seeking or creating a money making platform rather than getting a real job. It's spiked a lot since the whole "Corona work from home" thing began a couple of years back.

Just like staged wrestling, youtube presenters raise viewers' eyebrows to the BS seen/heard at times and usually to create attention when they say something provocative in order to create notoriety for themselves-- resulting in even more views and attention, be it positive, or in this case possibly negative.

No doubt it would be part of his marketing strategy to get even more people watching and talking about it - as he has already succeeded.

The only way to stem the BS is not give notorious YouTubers views. I don't even know who this guy is and don't care - given the billions of others on this planet I find all you guys on this forum more informative.