75 pound Hayabusa weight reduction

Bad weather day here , and little to do in garage except compile all weight savings over the last 3.5 years . Video shows ease of bags / racks removal plus their weight .
If your not into watching boring YouTube here it is 75 pounds saved so far . Racks , and bags all together weight 29 pounds 10 ounces . I have said before loaded up for a tour the bike is lighter than a stock Hayabusa . Really need to ride it one day with out all my bags/rack to feel the benefit of the savings .
The goal is to be about 486 wet after replacing swing arm , wheels , and trimming what ever else can be . Looking into Titanium fork springs or may just do like Willie , and Toad . Go Ohlins front end to save 4 lb . One thing is reliability to consider as some things could be reduced further. ( 1 lb lighter battery example )
Really want to keep things simple , and proven to work . Been this route before on a sub 400 pound ZRX1200R . You couldn't pay me to ride it coast to coast . It was on the edge of parts reliability for any extended use . Learned many do's , and don'ts from that bike .
Also wonder if anyone knows what Brocks clutch mod might save weight wise since its Aluminum vs the steel back torque limiter .
Now that we have many items on paper i'll add to the list in the future so others will know .
If any of you know of something that can save weight please feel free to throw it out there .

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That's a great weight loss. I wish I could take 75lbs off my FJR which is 635 wet...
Do you think such weight lost could be accomplished on a Concours14?

Probably Miguel , but like the FJR you wont notice it due to weight carried up high on both C14 , and FJR
All my weight loss came from Exhaust , Shori battery , brake rotors , Air box mods , Emissions delete, rear shock . Almost all of these are below the center line of the bike . It helped performance but not the way it felt moving it around at slow speeds .