8th Annual Midwest MnG 2012

No official head count yet but I can tell you this much. Not enough so we need you to ride over and join us.:poke::beerchug:

im trying to get the old lady to say yes we can go haha (asking her to go with me was easier than asking if i could just go hahahaha), well her and the probation officer since thats my last month of probation from my bad summer on the bike haha i get my license back in july lol so im going through the steps
Please excuse my ignorance on the matter. But, could somebody explain what the 8th Annual Midwest MnG 2012 MnG is? Unless of course, its a private event?
The 8th annual Midwest MnG is a meet and greet for boeard members to get together and put faces with screen names and do some riding together for a weekend. This is the 8th year we have done this and has been a good time every year. It moves around to different members areas each year. Last year we were just west of St Louis.

Hope that answers your question. PM me with any more questions you may have.
The only stupid question is the one not asked.
Does anyone object if I invite a few non members to embark on the long ride with me. It will be my dad and a two friends.
I don't care at all, just need everyone to realize that my house isn't as big as BusaWhipped's but there are PLENTY of hotels nearby. :beerchug:
I wanna show up just so I can put my muddy boots on Bot's new white leather couch.
He can buy a new one, he's rich and I'm Rick james.
I wanna show up just so I can put my muddy boots on Bot's new white leather couch.
He can buy a new one, he's rich and I'm Rick james.

Just had to..

ok anyone know of some hotels near by, me and black diamond busa are trying to figure this out and make some plans and see if we can afford the trip
To close to moto gp in Indy, otherwise I would try and make it. Have 10 of us riding down to that the following weekend and I don't think I should be gone 2 weekends in a row.

Just like I said last year, maybe next year.