A plenu with no hose connectors or clamps

Re: A plenum with no hose connectors or clamps

Proper bling :cool:



Will you sell the plenum separately? Any idea on the price point? Option for an integrated intercooler? So far it looks awesome!
We intend making plenums with 4 top mounted injector mounts and without all for Gen 2. The intercooled version will be somewhat different, we don't have a final design for that yet. We have idea's on mounting this type of plenum on the Gen1 but again its early days.
The fact that we are making the blow off valve integral to the design will save money and space over a seperate unit. SO a complete plenum with b/o valve and not requiring silicon hoses and clamps we are looking at around £670 with fuel rail. If you bought the fuel rail, b/o valve and plenum of this quality seperately it would work out considerably more. Without the fuel rail and a top half not machined for injectors we are looking at £590. Multiply by about 1.6 for USD. I think its value for money when you look at the quality and ease of fit.
Even Sebs (NLR) twin fmic set up is to small for the power.

If your going to comment about my set ups please make sure you have the factual information to back up your claims. Spouting off nonsense like that is retarded. Just my opinion:thumbsup:

At 28 psi on a 90 degree day my intake temps are 140 degrees which is a 50 degree rise in temp utilizing a high speed intake temp sensor being sampled at 100 hz.

Pressure drop is 1%.

Seb I was refering to yours as the best set up available, not criticizing your set up. More putting in perspective that if space wasn't an issue we would all go bigger for cooling. I look at your bikes as the best available always admire your work.
what are you designing in?
also how exactly are you hoping to get away from the silicon mounting tubes? to the TBs ?
i have had many ideas of my own but yet to finish any of my designs
i love this idea though and think if done right would be a very good idea
and not always is bigger always better
you have to look at efficiency and pressure drop due to size
i think sebs as well as rcc's plenum/intercooler setups are very well designed
its almost a fine art
My thoughts are the bigger the plenum the more a reservoir of air behind the throttle valves giving a more even distribution, a bigger gulp of air when the valves are open and a cooler charge. I don't try an knock other peoples work (though sometimes my wording could be better) . I'm just trying to do something new. Offering an option to guys who like what I make. All will be clear regarding the fitting of the plenum by the end of the week.
Nice work :)
A mate built a o ringed velocity stack plenum for his landspeed gsxr 1k, works very well and is so much easier to fit than a hose clamp arrangement,

How are you securing it to the head/tbs
The tbs have a casting between 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 so we are just going to drill and tap in this area and pull the plenum to the tb. there will be spaces to stop over compressing the o rings. we have built in areas at the sides of the plenum to attach straps to hold the plenum to the chassis.
Re: A plenum with no hose connectors or clamps

Couple of pictures of the two types we have to offer . With and without top mount injectors.




Nice piece of craftmanship.
i work also with 3D-Cad-Cam and thats a lot of work. The machining is impressive for the people ,but the real time is in development and construction of these fine parts.
We just have to design and make the blow off valve and screw in inlet pipe. It gives me the incentive to finish my 08 bike. We are looking at making a one piece silicon hose from the blower all the way up through the frame and to the plenum. Also plumbing in the idle air bleed into the bottom of the plenum and the intake temp sensor.
Your right there is a lot of work but if we weren't enjoying ourselves making nice things we would only be drinking beer and visiting dancing bars :)
from a fellow designer (also a tool maker)
why the threaded inlet and not a o-ringed or taper locked bolt on flange?
not tryin to be mean just curious
its mainly down to production, i.e with a threaded hole it means the pipe can be just a turned component as oppose to turned/machined.
its also so i can offer the 2 options of either a normal take off for a silicon hose, or as will be done on rich's bike we can fit a take off suitable for a wiggins conector. we avoided a bolt on flange as it take up a larger diameter than a srew in type and also a bolt on flange would use up about 6-8mm in depth (we want it as shallow as possible as this will be fitted to many aplications with this engine in)

you cant see from the pictures but this also has an o-ring in it that seals against the lower face as you screw the fitting in.

hope this helps. :)