Alright Political and Religious threads over

:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: Well said, lets get back to what we do best! Lets talk about who has the fastest color(Black and Orange):whistle:
Wow, I step away for a few days and all he!! breaks loose? I guess I better hang out here more.

:D :D :D

Well said, Doug. It's more important to remember the people factor. Sometimes we get carried away in the emotion of it all and say some stoopid stuff.

Onward and upward!

Good for you captain. I totally agree with your reasoning. Why are some people so hardheaded? Oh well, won't hear me get into these type arguements. Don't think I'm smart enough anyway.
Good one Capt.

Many, many times, I have started to reply to a religious thread and have decided against it or some times I have posted and then deleted it because it just isnt going to go anywhere. Remember that guy Kerberos from Arizona? He was allways goin off about stuff ... used to purposely try to get folks cranked up. It never went anywhere good and where is he now? Probly stirring the pot on some other web site. I have said it before and will probly say it again ... There are tons of websites for that kinda stuff, we are moto site with an a few good occasional "random thoughts" threads. We can have fun inteligent discussions without the pot stirring... aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggg !


ok, I'm done ... :rant:
I have enjoyed real, grown up discussions with some folks on here in the past, but am as prone as anyone else(maybe more so!) to start running my mouth when it gets ugly. I understand the decision, think it's kinda sad, but it is what it is......:rulez:
I'm not sure what prompted this thread....but well said. I've not been here long but this is the only forum that I've ever been too where people actually seem to genuinley care about one another and I'd hate to see that ruined. Hopefully nothing I have posted falls under these guidlines but just in case I may have slipped somewhere....I apologize. And if I havent....well then....I apologize for whatever jackass did! :beerchug:
Sorry to "taint" your thread, no thumbs up from me:disagree:

Banning Political and Religious topics is such a broad brushstroke. I feel it is a huge FAIL for ALL of us. This is a SAD day. Unfortunately Doug, the saddest part is that I might do the same thing in your shoes.

The world we live in is driven by political correctness, If you hurt someones feelings it may be a hate crime.

These are historic times, personally I feel it is important to make it clear where you,(or anyone) stands. American society has become so open minded, our brains have fallen out.

Doug, please don't misinterpret my comments. We have met briefly, what I see from your threads, I believe we feel the same on many issues. My ONLY real point is: it's unfortunate to eliminate soooo many deep subjects.

We have all lost today.........

Hopefully threads arent limited to Unicorns, Lollipops, and Butterflies.:cheerleader:

Please wake up Sheeple, use your intellect to attack subject matter,(respectfully), and not brutalize each other. Just my .02, Please don't ban me, I like it here:please:

Please dont ban these topics,:peace:, just my respectful viewpoint:poke:

Doug was not having a good day yesterday specially with loosing Vman. Last night was the wrong time to f*** with him.... :whistle:
Doug dont ban people too easy, I think the planets were in line last nite.
Sorry to "taint" your thread, no thumbs up from me:disagree:

Please wake up Sheeple, use your intellect to attack subject matter,(respectfully), and not brutalize each other. Just my .02, Please don't ban me, I like it here:please:

RedBusa was not banned because he did not agree with the Captain's decision to stop these topics. He was banned because he chose to turn it into a personal attack, which is exactly the type of negative posts that are bringing the board down. I enjoyed debating the issues as much as anyone here, and probably got a bit too pasionate in my convictions more than once as well. I support the Captain in this decision. It was not an easy one for him to make, but I think it is the correct one to make to keep the .oRg family together right now. Some day, if we can show that we can debate the issues without attacking the people, maybe we will be able to have those topics reenstated.
RedBusa was not banned because he did not agree with the Captain's decision to stop these topics. He was banned because he chose to turn it into a personal attack, which is exactly the type of negative posts that are bringing the board down. I enjoyed debating the issues as much as anyone here, and probably got a bit too pasionate in my convictions more than once as well. I support the Captain in this decision. It was not an easy one for him to make, but I think it is the correct one to make to keep the .oRg family together right now. Some day, if we can show that we can debate the issues without attacking the people, maybe we will be able to have those topics reenstated.

Lets hope cooler heads eventually prevail and we can get them back:please:
My Dad gave me plenty of great advice as I was growing up. One such piece i use daily. "you will never win a political or religous argument, so don't even try!" My political and religous opinions are exactly that...Mine, and I keep them to myself.

Now if you want to talk about whether or not to wear suspenders with your leather pants....bring it on! :poke:
Doug was not having a good day yesterday specially with loosing Vman. Last night was the wrong time to f*** with him.... :whistle:
Doug dont ban people too easy, I think the planets were in line last nite.

Captain and I (not knowing) were banning him at the exact same time.

I am not sure but I think in regards to the laws of physics when two admins seperated by thousands of miles unknowingly press the ban key on the same member at the exact same moment I think the persons body expolodes. (or it just melts, I forgot what exactly the laws of physics dictate)

In all seriousness. If Captain hadnt banned him he would have been banned anyway.

I had to re-read the post a few times because I couldnt believe what I was reading.

As eluded to previously, it wasnt that someone disagreed with Captain, I have seen people disagree with Captain numerous times. he is mature enough not to take it personal nor get upset.

However the personal attack (as mentioned earlier) towards Captain is what this thread was about in the first place and it was exactly what Redbusa did.

The personal attacks and lack of respect is what needs to stop.

We just all need a group hug :thumbsup: