Alright Political and Religious threads over

Good call CaP :beerchug: We can always shoot the breeze (or insigators) at the bash over a few sodas... :whistle:
I have never posted and hardly ever read any other forum on the web. What I have read ,other than the .org, certainly isn't viewed with any consistancy. I recently learned how dirty, disrespectful, and just horrible forums on the web can be. I was ignorant to this til recently. The .org is great. I have learned alot althought I have not met many members I feel as though I have made some friends and I have certainly had support from other members. Thanks for everything u do as admins and all the members. I do not think political or religous forums have been bad but perhaps they have been compared to the past. I am sure as the .org gets bigger it gets more difficult to deal with. I am willing to cooperate in any way i can and I hope this site continues to go and do well
I :disagree: With You CAP. On the Other hand it Ain't My House....:whistle:

In the Mean Time............. :tiptoe:
I'm not sure what prompted this thread....but well said. I've not been here long but this is the only forum that I've ever been too where people actually seem to genuinley care about one another and I'd hate to see that ruined. Hopefully nothing I have posted falls under these guidlines but just in case I may have slipped somewhere....I apologize. And if I havent....well then....I apologize for whatever jackass did! :beerchug:


Honestly, I subscribed to this site around a year ago. I've just stood back and listened and just recently decided to get 'involved'. I've had some pretty negative experiences in the 'religious' world but still try and hold on to the 'faith' I've come to know. One of the things that impressed me the most was the totally cool family atmosphere I've seen demonstrated among the members. I've come from a very tormented up bringing with lots of strife and termoil (sp?). Spent time in an orphanage, lived with several different families (all relatives), attented many different schools. Even though it was seldom demonstrated in my life as I was growing up, I do know what a healthy family environment is based on what I've come to know through my relationship with Him (no offense, anyone!). You guys all love and cherish one another in a way that's drawn me in. Sometimes being the 'Papa' or 'Cap'n' in the family means ya gotta do what may be the unpopular thing. I think I've read somewhere that a child who is not disciplined by his father (figure or otherwise) is not loved.

Thanks, Cap, for lovin' on us! Count me in as here to stay and be as much a part of this family as you all allow. I'm a little different (I've come to know that from the religious side of the world) but I am a what you see is what you get kinda guy. If I ain't bein' a good family member, at least let me know, and possibly give me a chance to 'splain myself. I will honor the head bro'.

Lookin' forward to years of getting to know you all!!!

I always try to be respectful and make sure my debates do not degenerate into , but my fingers have been known to type what I did not intend before. If I have been guilty, please accept my humblest apologies to you and anybody I may have offended.

I agree with you 1,000%. It's your board, and it's your :rulez: all the way.