Well my friend heres my response to your definition of a radical conservative.
1.) I am a Christian with my Bible to pass on Gods word as we all are commanded to do.
2.) Definitly Pro-God!
3.) Totally against murdering babys for any reason!
Now your telling me that I am a radical conservative? Really? I've served my country (U.S. Airforce Retired) for twenty years. I currently work for our government and maintain a top secret clearance. I have a perfect record in society, not even a parking ticket. With that all being said according to your definition I'm a radical conservative. I take exception to your definition and I can tell you most resonable Americans are and feel the same way I do. I also feel that true Americans believe in the things I listed above. Our country was founded on Christian principles by our Christian founding fathers so if I have to be called radical conservative in order to stop the maddness in Washington today then call me a radical conservative. Pay back is coming soon for all of the crooks in Washington, Republican and Liberals both! Rest assured I will be first in line to vote them out this November because I care for my country, I guess thats the radical conservative I turned out to be.........det45
I'm not going to argue that this country was or wasn't founded as a "Christian Nation", but I am 100% sure it WAS founded on Christian VALUES. And those VALUES encompass more than one religion. Those values are the bedrock of a workable, sustainable society, and unfortunatly, many are lacking in ours today.
Abortion: Speaking from personal experience, I don't think that anyone that has never had a child has any say on this issue. Until you've actually HELD your own child in your own hands, does the entire concept of abortion hit home. And once you've held your OWN child and contemplate that against abortion, I don't think you could even get 10% to say they'd agree with it. Some of those that protest so loudly about right to choose have never had a child and therefore IMHO do not have the perspective to make the decision.
I only know that my perspective about it changed the day my daughter was born.
i should have known better...i had hoped you could have a discussion, but once again you have proven that people with your beliefs cannot.
the fact that you cannot accept a difference of opinion, and instead choose to find it an insult......is the reason why you are radical. thanks for proving my point.
while you may be "pro-god", that is a personal choice. I know that you been taught that all "good people", and all good americans do also. Cool, but the country was not founded on god, and by christian principles you are wrong. You are wrong on multiple levels.
While the Founding Fathers may have been christian, they took great care keep god out of the US Government. Why? because they knew first hand the dangers of a state sponsored government.
this country was founded on freedom....specifically Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The freedom to live without the oppression of gov.
if we really want to look at why this country revolted against the crown, it was money and civil rights. Most people do not want to look at it, but the colonies were tired of being taxed, being ripped, and not having the rights of British subjects.
Secondly, you made two statements that are just incorrect.
1. most resonable Americans are and feel the same way I do
2. true Americans believe in the things I listed above
Most reasonable people do not feel the same way you do. If they did, elections would be split the way they are. National elections are split amazingly close to 45/45.....with a 5-10% group of undecided voters that cross over depending on the individual participants.
In fact to be more to your point, about killing babies.....most americans are in favor of a womans right to choose.
so once again you are wrong.
lastly, as a fellow conservative I hope with all my heart and soul that we do not allow our party to be taken over by the radicals. We are in a good position right now to take back some congressional seats, and even contend in the White House in 2012.....but not if we campaign on an anti-abortion campaign...
the reason you are a radical is becaue you would risk winning Congressional power, and even putting a conservative in the White House. risk losing 2nd ammendment rights and even....the relaxing of current abortion regulations if a liberal congress and White House stays in power over your anti-choice stance.
The values that this country were founded on are indeed very similar values to those of Christianity, but pre-date Christianity by thousands of years. The ten commandments that we recently had such a fuss over public display of are in fact Jewish, and absorbed into Christianity (and Islam actually) along with the rest of the Old Testament. This is not a Christian nation, and was never designed to be. Sure there are Christian ideals at the root of our justice system, but they are by no means exclusive to Christianity. If one considers abortion to be wrong, that person should not have one. If one considers homosexuality to be a sin, they should not engage in such behavior. The lumping together of fiscal conservatism and political responsibility with religious views is one of the things that has the republican party in such disarray currently. This was put into perspective by a guy I work with a couple of years back, when the boss came around asking for political support for a friend of his . When my co-worker was asked to sign a petition for a local democratic judge he refused to do so. When I later asked why, did he not like the guy or whatever he said "I would never vote for a democrat" "oh" I said, "why's that?" he looked straight at me and said "Because I'm a Christian". He was dead serious. I was utterly stunned by that response, and simply walked away. I cannot fathom the thought process of an individual who would base as important a decision simply on perceived values of a political party. I completely understand voting for a candidate based on their individual stance on an important personal issue, but to cover an entire party with the same blanket is absurd.
If the government is going to hand out taxpayer money (and both parties seem to be determined to do exactly that) I personally would rather it be given to individuals as opposed to corporations. That is the only difference I see between the two now. I came from a poor home, and my parents worked very hard to make our lives better, while retaining the Christian values they held dear. My father could have made a much better living teaching at a secular university, but he felt compelled to educate at biblical institutions. There were times that we would not have made it, had it not been for the assistance of others. My parents are highly educated, intelligent Christian people, and they taught me a healthy suspicion of authority, the need to ask questions of those who are or would be in charge and the importance of submitting to said authority when it is proven legitimate. "Because I said so" is something a parent says to a child, not what a government says to its people.
It should be our pleasure as relatively successful people (and most of us on the board are, we have computers, internet, leisure time/money) to help those who need it, and it should be our responsibility to fix the broken system so that it can no longer be taken advantage of by those who are too lazy to better themselves. I would help 100 people "working the system" in order to ensure that not one person who truly needs help has to go without.
Okay, I'm done ranting......
Det..part about a TS is to not disclose the TS just sayin....
What are Christian Principles?
I have read the Constitution, and Declaration of Independence and did not find "Christian Principles".
Please elaborate on what these Christian Rights are....
You know what my friend, you couldn't be more wrong. I'm not saying that to you to insult you. We can throw examples of individual situations and beliefs all day long and accomplish nothing. You see this country, (not all of history prior to our country being founded) I'm talking about the United States of America. This country was founded on Christian principles and beliefs. Our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights were designed to to protect us citizens. When we have elected officials in office who do not believe in these Christian principles or our constitution then erosion of our rights occur which is happening as I speak. To put it simply we are being over taxed, God is being removed from our school and currency, personal ethics in Washington are at a all time low, and our elected officials are only out for theirselves and their party. BOTH REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATES ARE GUILTY. People are tired of this therefore I believe this November is going to be the election of elections. In my opinion if we go back to the original Christian principles that our country was founded on and get rid of all these self serving elected officials then maybe we can get back to what this country was founded on, Christian Principles........det45
Yet again another example of how I beleive everything out of this man's mouth is
nothing more than a major load of bull crap and a guaranteed lie.
He really does believe the public is THAT stupid.
Gee...maybe the "doctors" standing behind him didn't actually work,
I found that little photo-op insulting.
And yes the founding fathers were Christians as are over 78% of Americans so yeah...
I'd say we are predominatly a Christian nation.
Had he hit the brakes, the country would have sunk deeper into recession, and made the Great Depression look like a hiccup by comparison. He is trying to pull us out of the recession that he inherited, only time will tell if his plan works. The republicans are just pissed because instead of giving money and breaks to corporations, he is giving it to individuals. They weren't *****in when Bush gave out the money to banks and insurance companies that were too bit to fail.........I think he is far worse than your "typical" politician...he is not only continuing
the failed policies...he's jamed his foot hard on the accelerator pedal.
Nothing I see him doing makes any sense except to ruin America to some
point of a global govt'.
How about shrinking govt' by half and cutting taxes across the board...paying back the
unused stimulas money, canning the "jobs" bill and paying back the money the
bank returned to cut a trillion dollars off the deficit...he could do that TOMORROW.
Oh no...we're going to keep pushing a gajillion dollar health care bill no one wants.
But I have 6 guys in doctors coats behind me...![]()