now isn't between patient and doctor. Throw in the fed govt
and you just made it ten times snafu.
I had insomnia (big time) got perscribed lunesta. Pay...I dunno $1500 a year
for health insurance. Make 1, singe, UNO trip to the doctor in the whole year.
Get the above persctiption. I go to get it filled, the insurance company bumped
it saying it was to expensive and refused to fill it. Some pencilneck 1000
miles away with probalby NO medical degree whatsoever has decided I
do not need the perscription. The doctor is totally removed from the equation
and it happens all the time.
SO here I am pised off as hell at 3:00 in the morning staring at the ceiling.
And somehow you think geting the Feds involved is going to make this better.
History shows wealth is always redistributed when it becomes concentrated in the hands of a few, hopefully it will be peaceful this time.
Sorry (seriously) to hear about your issues with your insurance company. This is exactly why I believe health care should be universal, remove the profit motive fix the costs and focus on curing the patients. I don't mind paying more in taxes if I get something for my money.
J'Man I agree the government is not perfect, I believe a lot of the reason for that is that we are a society that has a very short attention span and we require instant gratification. Look at the current situation, 8 years of ignoring problems and when they don't get fixed in 10 month everyone is up in arms.
This situation may take a while to fix but we will never get there if we do not stay the course.
As for you previous post I believe you made the comparison of federal health care to state run DMV to totally different things.