Annual Barber Motorpsports Park in Oct 2010

Charlie will Probably chime in here but he will probably want to be on the second level on the side that has the power (the side that is backed up to the 3rd level). Anywhere down that row would be fine but last June we were parked basically right in the middle and we thought it was a good place to be.

So he will want to be on that row and yall will just take up the areas on one or both sides of him...and leaving space for my truck and trailer also because I will be late.
Charlie will Probably chime in here but he will probably want to be on the second level on the side that has the power (the side that is backed up to the 3rd level). Anywhere down that row would be fine but last June we were parked basically right in the middle and we thought it was a good place to be.

So he will want to be on that row and yall will just take up the areas on one or both sides of him...and leaving space for my truck and trailer also because I will be late.

Know exactly where you are talking about. Sounds like a deal to me; however I'd suggest picking up spots on the door side rather than the other side...TBB will chime in soon enough ONE MORE WEEK :cheerleader:
I'm starting to have same problem with my 9 Year Old Daughter's cheerleading :(
It is looking like Dawn will make the trip this time, bribing some friends to ferry the son back and forth...

I know we have a couple of folks coming in from out of town, be sure to print out the confirmation email STT sent you after you purchased the sessions and bring it with you to registration! I have seen numerous 'situations' at sign in where they have typos on the list and having that paper can save some frustration!
At the Sept session we ran, they had me down as 'Keith Smith'.... Luckily, I had my papers with me and all was remedied!

The sessions are sold out at this point so chime in, who is coming?

I will be there with Woodrow (both days) and my bud 'KawiKev' (Sunday only and now riding a Suzuki - we let him retain the nickname...)
I'm in!

I am very much looking forward to spending a weekend of fun with you guys. What a treat to get out of the drizzle in the NW and visit the sunny southland!

I'm bringing my video camera as rumor has it RandyMan does table dances after a couple beers at the end of the day? :laugh:

See you there!

Yeehaww...SteveO is riding my gixxer, and I've got a new set of lines and pads awaiting my Busa for that weekend :)
STT suddenly had openings in the Novice class for the weekend and grabbed them up!

I'll have the RV there, but heat should not be as much a problem as it was in Sep. The AC makes a big diff cooling off between sessions when it is smoking hot....just ask Keith.

Can't wait to see everyone and get back on that track!

LA Busa
Better hop to it Dennis it's a long drive...

Oh yeah i'm ready and the weather forecast is p e r f e c t :)
Yep, temps started climbing a little as the week has wore on, humidity started creeping in as well.
BUT, weather man says a cool / dry front is going to move through by the weekend so we should not have another 'Hotter'n Hell 500' like we did in September!

81 degrees and low humidity sounds like a good track weekend!

Well, Dennis... We are all hitting last minute snags it would seem. Got a riding gear problem with one rider, I lost part of my Duc rear stand and just ordered the friggin piece I lost (next day, ya know... the cheap way)...

Getting close though....
Luci's ready to run, except for some of the small do it in the paddock stuff. I'm running 18/42 instead of 16/42. I just didn't have the time to swap out the front sprocket. I still have to unburry the trailer and get it ready.
Guess all the 'post game' happens in the clear...

Great track weekend all things considered:

Skydivr = best'd all time personal track record

Yamaha Kev = best'd all time personal track record

Woodrow = best'd all time personal track record

Busa Whipped = Got new springs put into CTD's Honda (good move dude) he needed those

Tufbusa = taught me to exit turns at top 25% of RPM range, wish I had known that Friday

LA Busa = best'd personal best.... consumption of Red Bull

Enjoyed every minute of it folks:beerchug:
Guess all the 'post game' happens in the clear...

Great track weekend all things considered:

Skydivr = best'd all time personal track record
Yamaha Kev = best'd all time personal track record

Woodrow = best'd all time personal track record

Busa Whipped = Got new springs put into CTD's Honda (good move dude) he needed those

Tufbusa = taught me to exit turns at top 25% of RPM range, wish I had known that Friday

LA Busa = best'd personal best.... consumption of Red Bull

Enjoyed every minute of it folks:beerchug:

Oh, yea, and dragged both pucks thru several turns; wouldn't say I had it licked but certainly an achievement!

Charlie also dragged his puck!
It was great to be able to hang out and rise with y'all again. I had a great weekend. Thanks again for everything.