Another Busa Down

Good to see you are posting, which means you are still with us.:thumbsup:

Glad for you, but I know how you feel about the bike also.

Godspeed to a full and fast recovery.
frame totaled, no way id ride her ever again... hope your ok sell whats left of her and get new
Glad your ok. That pic of your wrist is...DAAAAAYYYYYMMMM, I'd be :puke:

Get better and then start shopping for a new one.
Very sorry about the accident, thank God that you were able to walk away without more serious injuries. The Bike can be replaced, you can't. As far as the estimated 3000 damages, I had 3300 in damages just from a parking lot knock over (other guy's fault) so you should be looking at least 8 thousand..lets just say NEW BIKE:whistle:
Ok cant wait, again hope your alright this morn.
Happy you are with us.....


I am curious if your gonna change your avatar now...???
Gonna be awfully hard to tap them fingers with your left hand aint it....:rofl:

Sorry.....please smile and look up again.
Thank God for watching out for you...
glad you made it out of it relatively ok. Sounds like the injuries will heal up fine and the bike is completely replaceable.... and yes looks to be totaled :(

Just rest and recover, do what the dr's say cuz generally they know whats going on :beerchug:
I had kinda the same thing. last sep 4th a was riding 60 MPH and a women ran a stop sign and i T boned her and got Air lifted. my lid saved my life for sure. woke up in the hosp. still dont remember what all happend
Sorry to hear about this, you at least get better. the bike ...well you can get another one. One day pay back will come.
LOL, thats funny right there..thanks blanca, now every time I see my avatar ill have a bad memory:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

I thought it would make you giggle..:poke:

Just use the right hand from now on....:rofl:


Least you didnt go blind like momma always said would happen..



Get well soon...
I am glad you are ok! Damn this sucks..... hope they find the motorists that caused you accident!
Glad you are okay bro. The bike is totaled for sure. Looks like you lost the frame piece that bolts the frame to the motor. Anyways, glad you are okay. Time for a new bike.:thumbsup: