Another busa & member down today...

great to hear you are ok...another +1 for gear...and that accident sounds alot like my brothers and his family witnessed in his truck...someone caused it behind crashed..he stopped to help...rescued some till ambulance accused of causing it due to "similar" color vehicle..person charged with manslaughter...after 2 yrs fighting it got shot down before court..(no proof it was him not even scratch on truck) but is still being sued for 3 mill by the family...(foriegn and no license driver)...makes ya think twice about stopping and helping ..
Glad to hear your ok! Like these guys said though.. dont ride it until you get that stator cover and front fender replaced cause your tire might rub through the brake lines as you ride...
Glad your OK, you should be healed before the bike the way things look. Sliders will help next time.
Oh wow!. I think I am going to invest in a jacket... good to hear you are ok. from the pictures, it doesnt look like your yoshi is damaged...
WOW...that Sux bad...Good job on keeping yourself alive to ride again.
Good thing you had the gear that you were wearing!
Let us know if there is anything we can do for you....
Bless the gear, sends a shiver up my back everytime I see someone with t-shirt and no helmet. Glad your ok. Got both sides of the bike, bummer. I have some stock fr. brake lines if needed.
glad you are okay leo            sorry to hear

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OUCH!!! Very lucky given all that could have gone wrong...big trucks, cagers all around. It sounds like you did very well at avoiding severe injury and given all that did happen, the damage to you and the bike is fairly minimal...

I'm just glad you're okay and posting up about it...heal fast and I hope the Busa is back together and 100% in no time
You did everything you could to avoid the accident. It's too bad the cager who caused it couldn't be brought to justice.

It really sucks, but at least you're mostly okay. Yeah, it will cost some money to get the bike back to mint condition but there is nothing you can do about it. I use the Draggin' Jeans and I like them. I also just bought some mesh pants from for the hot weather. Good luck getting everything back together.
Dude--low siding is a real biatch. I know to you your bike probably looks worse than it is--but thank your lucky stars you're OK. Bikes can be fixed--human bodies can't. Unfortunately, I bet you'd like to catch that cager and slap the shid out of him/her!!!