Sad to say but another busa down :-(

That sux, But I am glad your OK. Don't know about the insurance issue but you would think it should be a total. Keep us informed.
Sux, but Im very happy you didnt get hut worse!
sorry that happened to you. Good thing you were wearing your gear. Let us know what the insurance says.
Sorry batman that bike is a total lose in the eyes of the insurance company time to pick out a new one or nice used one, But really glad to hear your alright to bad we didn't get to meet i know Val said you wanted to come down and visit us at Sleds this weekend
I'm sorry to see those pics, but glad you're okay! Good luck with the insurance and I hope you're back on two in no time
Glad you're okay. Yeah, it seems like it's ready for the junk yard. Bummer. Just glad you aren't getting planted this week.

Sand sux! Glad you're ok... Sorry about your busa, looks like she's a gonner
Glad that you're OK!

Sorry about the bike
It can be replaced...
Sorry about the ride
but good to know that you are okay and just a little soreness. The horse looks like she will have to be put to sleep though.
man, what was up this weekend? was it "fug with Busa riders" weekend??!! Glad you escaped without major injury, hope you can get your bike sorted out soon...dunno what I'm doing yet...have to go survey the dmg-but Im hesitant to even look at the thing:(
Thanks for all the responses, I think I will start to look at the new 06, the le is kinda catching my eye, but that blue and silver looks nice too.  I don't know I wish they made a black and blue this year.  We'll have to see what goes on with insurance.  Maybe I will just wait for the 07's, but that is alittle far away, I got too much more riding to do this year still!

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Thanks for all the responses, I think I will start to look at the new 06, the le is kinda catching my eye, but that blue and silver looks nice too. I don't know I wish they made a black and blue this year. We'll have to see what goes on with insurance. Maybe I will just wait for the 07's, but that is alittle far away, I got too much more riding to do this year still!
Like I told ya on the tele last night, if there is anything you need just shoot me a call. The bike is a total loss the way it looks, but Im just glad your ok.