Another Harley Ride


Well, I went for another Harley ride with 8 people on Twins, VTXs, and Harleys. I was of course on the King. What a mentally trying ride. This is my second group ride with them and BOTH times I almost hit something. Yesterday we turned into a gas station and a shadow was cast from the building over part of the entry way. Also, it was a car wash exit so the pavement was wet. All of a sudden I saw a curb with me heading straight into it at about 15mph with wet pavement.:butbut: My second panic stop since owning the bike with the ABS brakes. I grabbed all the front brake my four fingers could squeeze (maybe 30lbs?) it immediately sensed the wet pavement, went onto the computer and stopped me inches from the curb. All of this happened in about 1 second and 4 feet of distance. This is the SECOND TIME the ABS brakes have saved my bike from being trashed.:thumbsup: I LOVE THOSE BRAKES!:cheerleader: I never even hit the rear in my panic stop.

So, after that we take off and ride. I am now concentrating VERY hard as I'm pissed that I didn't see that curb with the lighting/shadow/old man eyes. We are riding at 45mph with occasional blasts up to 55mph for a short burst. I was riding in 4th gear 80% of the time. I then started cussing in my full face helmet the harley riders who had on only sunglasses and so 45mph felt really fast.

After a lunch at the Sleepy Hollow Biker place, I said, I have to go home to the wife so I'm going to hit I-75 and let her rip. They all said OK and went their separate ways. I got on I-75 and put her up to 90/95mph and found it was very, very windy. I was getting knocked around, especially my helmet. So, a quick cruise home and I had some speed for the day. I was driving against the wind and at 95mph the bike really burned some gas. Must have cut my mileage in half, but I didn't care cause I was having fun.:cheerleader:

I guess I just don't have the harley mindset for riding. I only ride because of fast bikes. If I had to ride slow bikes, I would rather stay home. 45mph and having all the cars blow past you is no fun.....:banghead:
I've tried to take my Busa on rides with Harleys but the slowness just kills me. A 45 minute trip took an hour and a half!
Often people group all vtwins in one big lump called “Harleys”. Just as a Ninja 500 and a Hayabusa are VERY different,,, my water cooled, fuel injected 1700cc engine is nothing at ALL like an 883 Sportster. I could write a reply the size of “War and Peace” but won’t.
The speedo on my Nomad often stays around 90 when I’m cruising` and at 5k miles I don’t recall anyone passing me. Of course my GSX1300R is faster, I guess my point is that it is the rider not the bike. Thanks for listening and be safe everyone!

Joe :race:
+1 Joe :thumbsup:
come to Wyoming (when it thaws) and join us for one of our 250mi drag races/poker runs.
not every harley guy, just putts around. i hit a stride about 85-90 on my Sturgis, and just hold it there all day long. :poke:tell you buddys to keep up.:laugh:
thats why i bought the vrod, not anything close to a busa but its capable of out running any of the air cooled bikes, and those that could keep up, couldn't for very long. i usually stayed in the back and enjoyed the scenery, just knowing i could out run them was good enough for me.
Yer just tryin to run with "The Pack".

Get a Harley guy out on his own,or with The House Mouse riding gun...and I can show ya some fun times.

We cruise on the bagger at 140. Thats about 100 MPH.

Harley folk,depending on their age/experiece etc....can bore you to fuggin tears on a ride.

But were not all like that. After I got slammed on the busa the wife has had some superstisious problem with them. So I didn't get another.

Instead I got haywire freek show bike (s) with insane power,and minimal handling.

It has been an adventure.
