Any Father/Daughter riding combos out there?

That's cool u and your daughter ride together

Congrats, you and your daughter will have great trips, as you already know.

Halie started riding with me in 2005 when I got my bike. I have 34000 on it now and she has been on it at least half of those.

my daughter turned 16 2 weeks ago so just got her drivers license she is going to take the motorcycle safty course this summer and I am buying her the ninja 250 for xmas. she wanted to ride her own this year but I wasnt ready yet
Pretty cool to have that. I don't have any kids yet. I don't even have me a woman yet LOL. Everyone in my family is afraid of bikes and they are even trying to discourage me of getting but hey, once they get that 1st ride with me, things will change
That's cool u and your daughter ride together
I think so too  

You know, I have had many non riding friends say to me 'How can you let your daughter ride a motorcycle'?.... My answer: Well, she is a grown woman and I can't stop her... and I wouldn't even try. Am I concerned for her safety? Damn rights I am. That's why I buy her the best gear. Do I trust her abillities? Absolutely! Has she taken a course on motorcycle safety? Yes, and she was totally on board with it and absorbed the material like a sponge.

Truth be told, I knew a long time ago it would come to this. When she was 4 she hounded us to let her ride horses. We held off till she was 6 then relented.... She had an introductory lesson and that was it.... hooked for life! She grew up with a group of girls that hung out at the same barn and competed in show jumping and caring for her horse. She is still very close with most of the girls she grew up with. She learned early on.... respect for a beast that was 1200 lbs and managed to overcome any fear and became a partner with her horse and excelled at all she tried. The motorcycle is just a new type of horse to her....

A motorcycle is not all that different and she holds the same respect for something that has the power to throw her should she abuse that respect or take it for granted. I supported her horse years completely and I am so happy she now rides with me and we can share a passion that can take us anywhere we choose to go.

I am very happy to see the responses to my post that so many other Dads/Grand parents are sharing their passion for 2 wheels with family.

I hope to meet up with some of you on the road. I look forward to my daughter gaining some seat time on the 250 ninja and moving up so we can start to travel together.

See you on the road :-)

Dont have any pictures here at work but my daughter grew up riding in the dirt with me and graduated to the street three years ago. And as of mid last summer she is now also on a busa she has an 02 with Full hindle tit pipe, power commander, airshift and k&n filter. Also had to lower two inches in the front and three in the rear to get her comfortable on it but she loves the bike.

Ok the other question would be how many of you catch alot of grief about letting their daughters ride? My ex wife and my mother both have not let me hear the end of it even though I never pushed my daughter to ride and since she is 21 there isnt much I could do to stop her. Not that I would want to anyway but how could I be a hypocrite and say no when she knows how much riding means to me and has all my life? I have always been the type to live life rather than watch it from the sidelines and have always encouraged her to live her life on her terms as well.

The one funny thing about riding with her is whenever some young guy starts to pull up next to her on a smaller bike and see its a girl on a Busa they back off and wont go near her for fear of being embarressed lol! Little do they know she rarely gets over the speed limit!
I pick my daughter up from school some days on the bikes. Again she is now 13. The other parents give me funny looks. Her classmates think it is cool she gets to ride. Friends and family give me some grief, but they all know she has been riding since she was 5. She wants her own bike when she gets her liscense. She says she has "no use for a car". I have to reminder her that we live in the snow belt/rust belt so yes she needs a car.
Dont have any pictures here at work but my daughter grew up riding in the dirt with me and graduated to the street three years ago. And as of mid last summer she is now also on a busa she has an 02 with Full hindle tit pipe, power commander, airshift and k&n filter. Also had to lower two inches in the front and three in the rear to get her comfortable on it but she loves the bike.

Ok the other question would be how many of you catch alot of grief about letting their daughters ride? My ex wife and my mother both have not let me hear the end of it even though I never pushed my daughter to ride and since she is 21 there isnt much I could do to stop her. Not that I would want to anyway but how could I be a hypocrite and say no when she knows how much riding means to me and has all my life? I have always been the type to live life rather than watch it from the sidelines and have always encouraged her to live her life on her terms as well.

The one funny thing about riding with  her is whenever some young guy starts to pull up next to her on a smaller bike and see its a girl on a Busa they back off and wont go near her for fear of being embarressed lol! Little do they know she rarely gets over the speed limit!
Well, her mom rides a Harley so she can't give too much grief, and she doesn't... she is great. The people that do are those that just don't get the passion and all they see is 'danger'. I don't see it that way. I have been riding for many years and you just have to ride aware of everything going on around you. The city I live in is dangerous in the sense that the population of old folks (read fossils) is large and they are the biggest threat to life and limb but if you ride with that knowledge you'll be fine. That is why I am such an advocate of the MSF course. New riders should take the course without even thinking about it. It teaches skills that are essential to survival on the street.
My daughter is 19 and will jump on the back of mine on occasion . . . but her boyfriend has an R6 and she naturally would rather be there
Still is alot of fun . . . just gotta get him upgraded to a Busa now!