thanks so much i said..i didn't post this up till after a week after it happened...stumbled around for a week in a self medicated coma trying to convince myself that i shouldn't off myself and that my family still needed was that bad...and i wasn't winning the arguement with myself...thats when i posted up...and sorta let the masses decide.
and while the 1st response looked a lil grim?...ya'll pretty much kept me alive to get through it...that and the joking smiles of my daughters.
for those of you who know and care about me ya'll know this hasn't been the only issue destroying my home and family recently...and in the past year i've had to deal with..
1. losing all my teeth and going full dentures which in turn led me into..
2. a huge problem kicking pain killers and all while...
3. my 1/2 wooded 1/2 developed neighbourhood which has many homes that were forclosed upon and new ones that didn't sell is experiencing an explosive rat infestation..and my family being a house full of pet lovers seemed to catch the brunt of things..they ate through the weather stripping of my garage and destroyed many things on me...including our clothes washer....dishwasher...(ate the hoses and fittings right out of'em)..and numerouse other things i had in the garage such as my nikon binoculars, sony stereo system..even started stripping the sound insulation out of orens side fairings...(found'em using it for nesting material) thank god that's all they ate but they did get the wiring harness in my '05 titan pickup which has been sitting motionless for 6 moths as...
4. my oldest daughter got preganant (during her 2nd semester of 4 years of pre-paid college) and moved out and?...
5. The wife and i had our 20th wedding anniversary just this past wednesday but..our relationship has been pretty much reduced too strangers living in the same house...
but? ya'll say...shid happens..i thank god everyday that i still have my machinist job and the love of my daughters and? beloved busa Oren Ishii...she never fails to light up my life and remind me of how truely fortunate i am everytime i ride her..and?..the oh so cool many friends i have here at who've been so understanding, sympathetic and helpful including...
this dude lives like 50 miles south of me and knows what my family and i have been going through...and yesterday morning?..he showed up here at my place to give me a cross he promised me...from larnaca...dipped in lazarus's spring...i'm wearing it now as i type this..i sleep with it on...and only take it off for showering...then?..he sat at my kitchen table detailing and photographing my favorite dream rifle that i decided to sell to get some cash to get things right in my home..maybe even fix my truck and posted it on his personal 100% positive feedback account...whadda guy!...whadda true friend..he restores my faith in humanity even when i'm at my lowest and i feel pretty low this weekend as i'm going through some terrible withdrawls trying to kick the pain killers..and you folks here have pretty much kept me alive through these many tests life has been tossing at me lately.
Thank you all so very, very much and..L8R, Bill.
now..if you'll excuse me?..i need to go assume my fetal postion on the couch and let the tremors, chills and sweats continue..L8R, Bill.