About the heli-bars, I would not mind having the bars a little higher but heli-bars are just bars bent at a different angle (and yes they have a alight rise out of the bar mount). To me this seems odd and does not look right nor feel right. I think the way to raise the bars is to use some sort of risers or a different triple clamp cover but use the same angle bar so as to retain the looks and feel angle-wise, only higher. How can you lean into a curve and hang onto those heli-bars up in the air and bent too straight like that? I guess it depends on how you ride or intend to use your bike.
I would say if you want a pure touring bike get somthing else but actually it just goes to show you how versatile and amazing a Busa is. It can do it all and be set up however you want and it rules either way! So ignore me as it is only my opinion to suit my needs and wants. I want to keep mine as sporting as possible so I will pass on the grandpa bars (just kiddin'). Enjoy your ride!