..."u have already shown u have zero respect for LE"
That's a blatant lie and if you can show where I've ever denigrated LE I'll stop posting in this forum. My friends and family would crack up laughing if they heard this. So show me or shut up. Calling a prison guard a Corrections Officer simply suits the BS name of the system, the Department of Corrections. What the hell else would they call them? In no way did I imply that a guard is somehow less of a human being than a so called CO. You took offense. I wonder why? Could it be because you know first hand what a failed system the 'corrections' department really is? Every, and I mean (every) guard, CO, jailer, bailiff, police officer, deputy sheriff, parole or probation officer, highway patrolman, defense or prosecuting attorney or judge I've known over the years agrees that it's a failed system and so far away from being corrective that its ridiculous.
Some years back a partner of mine experienced first hand how well the 'corrections' department is doing its job. After a seven year sentence and thirty days on parole a convicted murderer committed an armed robbery and found himself bailing out of his car on a dead end street with my friend in pursuit. They came together in the dark between two houses. The parolee fired two .22s into my friend below his vest who emptied his Python hitting the shooter five times, one, just above his left ear. My buddy pulled thru just fine but did retire within a year. You seem to try scratching an itch that doesn't exist. The point is 'here' and you're talking over 'there'. You're no police officer so stop thinking that you are. You warehouse prisoners, tell them what to wear, when to get up, when to eat, and are confined with them unarmed. Brave men and women do this job but they're not correcting anyone and they're not cops.