Biden screwed me over - not joking

Sam, again Biden helped you out bid becoming the first indirect donator to the diaper fund!!

Now go thank him with a vote!!

Congrats again.
It would not have made any difference which one of the canidates it was, they would've held you up for any of them, not just Biden.

At least
you did not
have to listen
to his line of crap .

2020 Bike 45 Race.jpg

I had 2 similar instances in my life. Once I was on a private flight that was a bit time critical. President Clinton happened to be landing at the same airport. My pilot begged every way he knew how to get clearance. I even told the pilot to tell ATC that the passenger (me) said he would promise to vote for him if granted clearance. While that got a laugh, it didn't change anything. AF1 had airspace priority. Finally he landed. THEN we had to wait another 2 freaking hours until they got the plane ready for him to walk off of.

The other time I was in a hotel in a small Vermont town. At that time Howard Dean was governor. They made no mention to me that while I was scheduled to stay there, that Dean was scheduled to be there. It was the only nicer, larger hotel in that town. My Admin made all the arrangements. She would not have known to ask.

So a Governor doesn't just get a room. They get like a whole section of the hotel. Staff, security etc. AND if you are anywhere in the hotel you have to go through security B/S like everytime you come and go in and out of the place. So glad they are serving the public.