if it goes the very hard way, like a very good friend - 56 years old - had to overcome,
it lasted for around 6 weeks in which he had no chance to keep his workshop open, so damn weak he felt .
he felt like a worm without a skeleton, so limp + weak he was .
and believe me, he´s really a tough guy and no softy office type like trump and his saliva-sucker.
and the news in the radio this minute tells that a lot others seem to be infected seemingly by d.t.
because he ignored the mask.
that´s no presidential handling of a bad situation - its more or less the non presidential handling by a stupid and ignorant adolescent.
I'm curious who else trump infected while his travels - what a huge / big stupid ignorance of science not to wear a mask.
at all - the standard mask protect the others - not you.
the whole thing shows me once again what damn crap a self-loving person can do.
let´s inject him the disinfection or give him to drink like he said some weeks ago and see if he would overlive this idioty.