Busa Nooba

metzler m3's or m1's here and love them. what ever you get I recommend checking ebay first I always find good deals there for tires.
for getting a busa... and welcome aboard!
(DaCol. @ Mar. 29 2007,16:01)
to the Site

I do alot of Long Distance riding so I use AVONS. I get the best mileage out of'em
Welcome to the board!!!

I got the Avon's after going quickly through 2 stock rears.
GPW was right about the Avons. I'm riding them to 1/8" from the edge and have pushed them hard at times.
The rear has 5k on it, and will go another 1.5k. Good for me after getting 4.2k out of the first two BT5S's.
(Jynx @ Mar. 29 2007,12:28)
(DR1300R @ Mar. 29 2007,08:27) Maxxis's Supermaxxis's  
Sounds like a female hygiene item...  
For really big ladies!!!


Pilot powers here too. Went through a couple of sets of The Pirelli Super Corsa's before going to the Pilot Powers. The Corsa's are more of a track tire and the PPs have been just about as good but much, much better wear!
I'll toss one in for the Michelin Pilot Powers as well.

As for the post that recommended the Maxxis tires

I had a set. It was my first and my last. They wore completely out quicker than any tire I have ever had (and they were on my CBR). They DID NOT hold traction and the front refused to hold air for some strange reason unknown to me or my mechanic. Oh, the front also cupped after about 1500 miles. This was with the tire pressures highly looked after and maintained.

Pilot Powers have yet to let me down in anything.
Damn, Rev. I'm on my 3rd set of Maxxis and have been nothing but happy with them. Never any traction issues.
None of the tires will have any questionable complaints about the corners(some just stickier than others but they do horrible in the distance...) M1,M3,Diablo,PP these are all top notch tires...bad in mileges soft comp.  
Now, PP2ct, Qualifier, Shinko(Raven), BT-002, BT-14, AV46, these are good in mileges and didn't have much complaint I heard...(PP2ct,Qualifier,BT-002 these are new products for this year...)
my next set is going to be BT-14...I love corners but, I do HWY alot...

Now I have a Shinko Raven...its got 5000 mi on it and still rockin...(pic below)
hello welcome called michelin service they siad the pilot powers hpx sport was the way to go it had heavy side walls for the extra wieght wonder if anybody else has these please give feedback and let us know how they are thanks 2 biker